Annual Report 2012, PDF - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations

Annual Report 2012, PDF - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations

Annual Report 2012, PDF - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations


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EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE SPECIAL BUSINESS(I) PROPOSED SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FORRECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSOF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATUREThe proposed Ordinary Resolution 11, if passed, willenable the Company and/or its subsidiaries to enterinto recurrent related party transactions with relatedparties in the ordinary course of business which arenecessary for the <strong>Group</strong>’s day-to-day operationsand are on terms not more favourable to the relatedparties than those generally available to the publicand shall lapse at the conclusion of the next <strong>Annual</strong>General Meeting unless authority for its renewal isobtained from shareholders of the Company at suchgeneral meeting.Detailed information on the Proposed Shareholders’Mandate is set out in Appendix I of the Circular toShareholders dated 2 May 2013 which is despatchedtogether with the Company’s <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.(II) PROPOSED GRANT OF ENTITLEMENTS TO, ANDALLOTMENT AND ISSUE OF, ORDINARY SHARESOF NOMINAL VALUE OF RM1.00 EACH IN THECOMPANY TO DATO’ SRI JAMALUDIN IBRAHIM,MANAGING DIRECTOR/PRESIDENT & GROUPCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE COMPANY(“PROPOSED GRANT”)The proposed Ordinary Resolution 12, if approved,will allow Dato’ Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim to participatefurther under the <strong>Axiata</strong> Share Scheme and be eligiblefor grants of up to 3.6 million New <strong>Axiata</strong> Shares.The above amount includes 1,279,300 <strong>Axiata</strong>Restricted Share Plan Shares which have alreadybeen granted to Dato’ Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim in <strong>2012</strong>and 2013 (“Previous Grant”). The Proposed Grantis being sought for approval by shareholders at this<strong>Annual</strong> General Meeting for the Previous Grant andto accommodate further offers of New <strong>Axiata</strong>Shares to Dato’ Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim under the<strong>Axiata</strong> Share Scheme for the final grant in 2014.The Proposed Grant is the maximum number of<strong>Axiata</strong> Shares that may be vested to Dato’ SriJamaludin Ibrahim and is subject to the meeting ofsuper stretched individual performance targets andthe <strong>Axiata</strong> <strong>Group</strong> meeting superior companyperformance targets at the point of vesting inaddition to the standard vesting conditions applicableto other eligible employees.Dato’ Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim and persons connectedto him must abstain from voting on this resolution.He has also abstained from all deliberation andvoting on this resolution at the Board of Directors’Meeting.STATEMENT ACCOMPANYINGNOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGPursuant to Paragraph 8.27 (2) Main LRDIRECTORS STANDING FOR RETIREMENT AND RE-ELECTION AT THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGThe following are Directors retiring pursuant to Article 93 and Article 99 (ii) of the Company’s Articles of Association:-Article 93: Retirement by rotation:1. Dato’ Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim2. Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul KhalidArticle 99 (ii): Retirement after appointment to fill casual vacancy1. Dato’ Abdul Rahman Ahmad2. Bella Ann AlmeidaThe respective profiles of the above Directors are set out in the Profile of Directors’ section of the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>from pages 53 to 56.None of the above Directors have any direct and/or indirect interest in the Company and its related corporation.332

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