Economic Report of the President

Economic Report of the President - 2005 - The American Presidency ...

Economic Report of the President - 2005 - The American Presidency ...


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C O N T E N T SPageNATIONAL INCOME OR EXPENDITURE:B–1. Gross domestic product, 1959–2004 ................................................. 208B–2. Real gross domestic product, 1959–2004 .......................................... 210B–3. Quantity and price indexes for gross domestic product, and percentchanges, 1959–2004 ................................................................ 212B–4. Percent changes in real gross domestic product, 1959–2004 .......... 213B–5. Contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product,1959–2004 ....................................................................................... 214B–6. Chain-type quantity indexes for gross domestic product, 1959–2004 ................................................................................................. 216B–7. Chain-type price indexes for gross domestic product, 1959–2004 218B–8. Gross domestic product by major type <strong>of</strong> product, 1959–2004 ....... 220B–9. Real gross domestic product by major type <strong>of</strong> product, 1959–2004 221B–10. Gross value added by sector, 1959–2004 .......................................... 222B–11. Real gross value added by sector, 1959–2004 .................................. 223B–12. Gross domestic product (GDP) by industry, value added, in currentdollars and as a percentage <strong>of</strong> GDP, 1987–2003 ................. 224B–13. Real gross domestic product by industry, value added, and percentchanges, 1987–2003 ................................................................ 226B–14. Gross value added <strong>of</strong> nonfinancial corporate business, 1959–2004 228B–15. Gross value added and price, costs, and pr<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong> nonfinancialcorporate business, 1959–2004 ...................................................... 229B–16. Personal consumption expenditures, 1959–2004 ............................. 230B–17. Real personal consumption expenditures, 1990–2004 .................... 231B–18. Private fixed investment by type, 1959–2004 .................................. 232B–19. Real private fixed investment by type, 1990–2004 ......................... 233B–20. Government consumption expenditures and gross investment bytype, 1959–2004 .............................................................................. 234B–21. Real government consumption expenditures and gross investmentby type, 1990–2004 ............................................................... 235B–22. Private inventories and domestic final sales by industry, 1959–2004 ................................................................................................. 236B–23. Real private inventories and domestic final sales by industry,1990–2004 ....................................................................................... 237B–24. Foreign transactions in <strong>the</strong> national income and product accounts,1959–2004 .......................................................................... 238B–25. Real exports and imports <strong>of</strong> goods and services, 1990–2004 .......... 239B–26. Relation <strong>of</strong> gross domestic product, gross national product, netnational product, and national income, 1959–2004 ..................... 240B–27. Relation <strong>of</strong> national income and personal income, 1959–2004 ....... 241B–28. National income by type <strong>of</strong> income, 1959–2004 ............................... 242B–29. Sources <strong>of</strong> personal income, 1959–2004 ........................................... 244B–30. Disposition <strong>of</strong> personal income, 1959–2004 ..................................... 246B–31. Total and per capita disposable personal income and personalconsumption expenditures, and per capita gross domestic product,in current and real dollars, 1959–2004 ................................. 247203

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