Economic Report of the President

Economic Report of the President - 2005 - The American Presidency ...

Economic Report of the President - 2005 - The American Presidency ...


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TABLE B–82.—Federal and State and local government current receipts and expenditures, nationalincome and product accounts (NIPA), 1959–2004[Billions <strong>of</strong> dollars; quarterly data at seasonally adjusted annual rates]Year orquarterCurrentreceiptsTotal government Federal Government State and local government Addendum:CurrentexpendituresNetgovernmentsaving(NIPA)CurrentreceiptsCurrentexpendituresNetFederalGovernmentsaving(NIPA)CurrentreceiptsCurrentexpendituresNetState andlocalgovernmentsaving(NIPA)Grantsin-aidtoStateandlocalgovernments1959 ........................... 123.0 115.8 7.1 87.0 83.6 3.3 40.6 36.9 3.8 3.81960 ........................... 134.4 122.9 11.5 93.9 86.7 7.2 44.5 40.2 4.3 4.01961 ........................... 139.0 132.1 6.9 95.5 92.8 2.6 48.1 43.8 4.3 4.51962 ........................... 150.6 142.8 7.8 103.6 101.1 2.5 52.0 46.8 5.2 5.01963 ........................... 162.2 151.1 11.1 111.8 106.4 5.4 56.0 50.3 5.7 5.61964 ........................... 166.6 159.2 7.4 111.8 110.8 1.0 61.3 54.9 6.4 6.51965 ........................... 180.3 170.4 9.9 120.9 117.6 3.3 66.5 60.0 6.5 7.21966 ........................... 202.8 192.8 10.0 137.9 135.7 2.3 74.9 67.2 7.8 10.11967 ........................... 217.6 220.0 −2.4 146.9 156.2 −9.4 82.5 75.5 7.0 11.71968 ........................... 252.0 246.8 5.2 171.2 173.5 −2.3 93.5 86.0 7.5 12.71969 ........................... 283.4 266.7 16.7 192.5 183.8 8.7 105.5 97.5 8.0 14.61970 ........................... 286.7 294.8 −8.1 186.0 201.1 −15.2 120.1 113.0 7.1 19.31971 ........................... 303.4 325.3 −21.9 191.7 220.0 −28.4 134.9 128.5 6.5 23.21972 ........................... 346.8 355.5 −8.8 220.1 244.4 −24.4 158.4 142.8 15.6 31.71973 ........................... 390.0 385.6 4.4 250.4 261.7 −11.3 174.3 158.6 15.7 34.81974 ........................... 431.3 435.8 −4.4 279.5 293.3 −13.8 188.1 178.7 9.3 36.31975 ........................... 441.6 508.2 −66.6 277.2 346.2 −69.0 209.6 207.1 2.5 45.11976 ........................... 505.5 549.9 −44.4 322.5 374.3 −51.7 233.7 226.3 7.4 50.71977 ........................... 566.8 597.7 −31.0 363.4 407.5 −44.1 259.9 246.8 13.1 56.61978 ........................... 645.6 653.4 −7.8 423.5 450.0 −26.5 287.6 268.9 18.7 65.51979 ........................... 728.2 726.5 1.7 486.2 497.5 −11.3 308.4 295.4 13.0 66.31980 ........................... 798.0 842.8 −44.8 532.1 585.7 −53.6 338.2 329.4 8.8 72.31981 ........................... 917.2 962.9 −45.7 619.4 672.7 −53.3 370.2 362.7 7.6 72.51982 ........................... 938.5 1,072.6 −134.1 616.6 748.5 −131.9 391.4 393.6 −2.2 69.51983 ........................... 999.4 1,167.5 −168.1 642.3 815.4 −173.0 428.6 423.7 4.9 71.61984 ........................... 1,112.5 1,256.6 −144.1 709.0 877.1 −168.1 480.2 456.2 23.9 76.71985 ........................... 1,213.5 1,366.1 −152.6 773.3 948.2 −175.0 521.1 498.7 22.3 80.91986 ........................... 1,289.3 1,459.1 −169.9 815.2 1,006.0 −190.8 561.6 540.7 21.0 87.61987 ........................... 1,403.2 1,535.8 −132.6 896.6 1,041.6 −145.0 590.6 578.1 12.4 83.91988 ........................... 1,502.2 1,618.7 −116.6 958.2 1,092.7 −134.5 635.5 617.6 17.9 91.61989 ........................... 1,626.3 1,735.6 −109.3 1,037.4 1,167.5 −130.1 687.3 666.5 20.8 98.31990 ........................... 1,707.8 1,872.6 −164.8 1,081.5 1,253.5 −172.0 737.8 730.5 7.2 111.41991 ........................... 1,758.8 1,976.7 −217.9 1,101.3 1,315.0 −213.7 789.2 793.3 −4.2 131.61992 ........................... 1,843.7 2,140.4 −296.7 1,147.2 1,444.6 −297.4 845.7 845.0 .7 149.11993 ........................... 1,945.8 2,218.4 −272.6 1,222.5 1,496.0 −273.5 886.9 886.0 .9 163.71994 ........................... 2,089.0 2,290.8 −201.9 1,320.8 1,533.1 −212.3 942.9 932.4 10.5 174.71995 ........................... 2,212.6 2,397.6 −184.9 1,406.5 1,603.5 −197.0 990.2 978.2 12.0 184.11996 ........................... 2,376.1 2,492.1 −116.0 1,524.0 1,665.8 −141.8 1,043.3 1,017.5 25.8 191.21997 ........................... 2,551.9 2,568.6 −16.7 1,653.1 1,708.9 −55.8 1,097.4 1,058.3 39.1 198.61998 ........................... 2,724.2 2,633.4 90.8 1,773.8 1,734.9 38.8 1,163.2 1,111.2 52.0 212.81999 ........................... 2,895.0 2,741.0 154.0 1,891.2 1,787.6 103.6 1,236.7 1,186.3 50.4 232.92000 ........................... 3,125.9 2,886.5 239.4 2,053.8 1,864.4 189.5 1,319.5 1,269.5 50.0 247.32001 ........................... 3,113.1 3,061.6 51.5 2,016.2 1,969.5 46.7 1,373.0 1,368.2 4.8 276.12002 ........................... 2,954.7 3,234.3 −279.5 1,847.3 2,101.8 −254.5 1,411.9 1,436.9 −25.0 304.42003 ........................... 3,032.0 3,399.7 −367.8 1,877.0 2,241.6 −364.5 1,494.9 1,498.1 −3.2 339.92004 p ......................... .............. 3,559.2 ................ .............. 2,341.7 ................ .............. 1,567.9 ................ 350.42000: I ........................ 3,091.1 2,822.4 268.7 2,035.7 1,823.0 212.7 1,294.4 1,238.5 55.9 239.0II ....................... 3,121.1 2,880.2 240.9 2,044.9 1,863.5 181.4 1,319.0 1,259.5 59.5 242.8III ...................... 3,142.3 2,902.1 240.2 2,066.8 1,875.5 191.2 1,330.5 1,281.6 49.0 255.0IV ...................... 3,149.3 2,941.4 207.9 2,068.0 1,895.5 172.5 1,333.9 1,298.5 35.4 252.62001: I ........................ 3,189.9 3,000.8 189.2 2,089.2 1,932.6 156.6 1,367.2 1,334.7 32.5 266.5II ....................... 3,199.6 3,050.2 149.4 2,080.5 1,956.9 123.6 1,397.4 1,371.6 25.8 278.3III ...................... 2,977.4 3,074.7 −97.2 1,895.4 1,984.0 −88.6 1,354.8 1,363.4 −8.6 272.8IV ...................... 3,085.5 3,120.8 −35.3 1,999.6 2,004.3 −4.7 1,372.5 1,403.1 −30.6 286.62002: I ........................ 2,933.7 3,171.0 −237.3 1,844.6 2,053.1 −208.5 1,380.9 1,409.8 −28.8 291.9II ....................... 2,950.5 3,225.7 −275.2 1,850.5 2,102.1 −251.6 1,404.1 1,427.7 −23.6 304.2III ...................... 2,966.5 3,243.0 −276.5 1,847.9 2,103.1 −255.1 1,423.9 1,445.3 −21.3 305.4IV ...................... 2,968.3 3,297.4 −329.0 1,846.2 2,148.8 −302.7 1,438.5 1,464.8 −26.3 316.32003: I ........................ 3,012.0 3,342.5 −330.6 1,888.6 2,170.2 −281.6 1,437.7 1,486.6 −49.0 314.3II ....................... 3,042.0 3,412.0 −370.1 1,902.5 2,266.9 −364.4 1,484.6 1,490.2 −5.7 345.1III ...................... 2,984.8 3,411.3 −426.5 1,816.4 2,249.4 −433.0 1,511.4 1,504.9 6.5 343.0IV ...................... 3,089.2 3,433.0 −343.9 1,900.6 2,279.8 −379.2 1,545.8 1,510.5 35.3 357.22004: I ........................ 3,120.0 3,499.2 −379.2 1,915.3 2,306.3 −391.0 1,550.6 1,538.8 11.8 346.0II ....................... 3,181.1 3,542.8 −361.7 1,949.1 2,329.1 −380.0 1,583.9 1,565.7 18.3 351.9III ...................... 3,189.3 3,568.9 −379.6 1,956.7 2,340.8 −384.1 1,574.7 1,570.2 4.5 342.1IV p .................... .............. 3,626.1 ................ .............. 2,390.7 ................ .............. 1,596.9 ................ 361.6Note.—Federal grants-in-aid to State and local governments are reflected in Federal current expenditures and State and local current receipts.Total government current receipts and expenditures have been adjusted to eliminate this duplication.Source: Department <strong>of</strong> Commerce, Bureau <strong>of</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> Analysis.307

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