Economic Report of the President

Economic Report of the President - 2005 - The American Presidency ...

Economic Report of the President - 2005 - The American Presidency ...


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TABLE B–108.—Industrial production and consumer prices, major industrial countries, 1979–2004Year or quarterUnitedStates 1CanadaJapanEuropeanUnion 2France Germany 3 ItalyUnitedKingdomIndustrial production (Index, 1997=100) 41979 ......................................... 64.3 68.6 63.1 78.8 85.5 83.3 76.6 79.81980 ......................................... 62.6 66.5 66.0 78.5 84.6 83.3 80.8 74.71981 ......................................... 63.4 66.8 66.7 77.2 83.7 81.7 79.1 72.21982 ......................................... 60.2 61.7 66.9 76.0 83.0 79.1 76.6 73.61983 ......................................... 61.8 65.1 69.0 76.8 83.0 79.6 74.8 76.31984 ......................................... 67.3 73.2 75.4 78.6 84.5 82.1 77.3 76.31985 ......................................... 68.2 76.9 78.2 80.9 85.0 85.9 77.4 80.61986 ......................................... 68.9 76.3 78.1 82.9 87.2 87.6 80.5 82.61987 ......................................... 72.4 79.5 80.8 84.6 88.8 87.9 82.6 85.81988 ......................................... 76.0 84.8 88.4 88.2 91.9 91.0 88.4 89.91989 ......................................... 76.7 84.6 93.5 91.7 95.0 95.6 91.8 91.91990 ......................................... 77.4 82.2 97.5 93.6 96.5 100.4 91.3 91.61991 ......................................... 76.2 79.3 99.2 93.4 95.9 103.4 90.4 88.51992 ......................................... 78.4 80.3 93.6 92.2 94.5 101.0 89.5 88.81993 ......................................... 80.9 84.2 90.4 89.2 90.9 93.5 87.5 90.81994 ......................................... 85.3 89.4 91.5 93.4 94.4 96.1 92.6 95.71995 ......................................... 89.4 93.5 94.4 96.3 96.1 96.8 98.0 97.31996 ......................................... 93.2 94.7 96.6 96.5 96.0 97.0 96.3 98.71997 ......................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.01998 ......................................... 105.8 103.5 93.5 103.2 103.5 103.7 101.2 101.01999 ......................................... 110.6 109.6 93.8 104.8 106.1 104.9 101.2 102.32000 ......................................... 115.4 119.0 99.0 109.5 110.1 110.7 105.3 104.22001 ........................................ 111.3 114.4 92.7 109.4 111.3 111.0 104.2 102.62002 ........................................ 111.0 116.1 91.7 108.5 109.6 109.9 102.6 100.02003 ........................................ 110.9 117.0 94.5 108.8 109.5 110.3 102.0 99.82004 p ....................................... 115.5 .................. 99.6 .................... ................ ...................... .............. ....................2003: I ...................................... 110.8 117.5 93.8 109.0 110.1 110.6 102.6 99.6II ..................................... 109.7 115.6 93.2 108.1 108.7 109.3 101.4 99.4III .................................... 110.8 116.4 93.9 108.8 109.4 109.1 102.9 99.9IV .................................... 112.4 118.7 97.5 109.9 110.4 111.8 102.8 100.22004: I ...................................... 113.9 118.8 98.1 109.9 110.8 112.2 102.5 99.8II ..................................... 115.1 120.5 100.5 111.0 111.6 113.8 102.7 100.8III .................................... 115.9 122.4 100.1 111.0 111.5 114.1 102.2 99.6IV p ................................. 117.1 .................. 99.1 .................... ................ ...................... .............. ....................Consumer prices (Index, 1982-84=100)1979 ......................................... 72.6 69.2 84.4 65.7 63.6 82.3 52.8 66.61980 ......................................... 82.4 76.1 91.0 74.4 72.2 86.7 63.9 78.51981 ......................................... 90.9 85.6 95.3 83.4 81.8 92.2 75.5 87.91982 ......................................... 96.5 94.9 98.1 92.3 91.7 97.0 87.8 95.41983 ......................................... 99.6 100.4 99.8 100.3 100.3 100.3 100.8 99.81984 ......................................... 103.9 104.7 102.1 107.4 108.0 102.7 111.4 104.81985 ......................................... 107.6 109.0 104.2 114.0 114.3 104.8 121.7 111.11986 ......................................... 109.6 113.5 104.9 118.2 117.2 104.6 128.9 114.91987 ......................................... 113.6 118.4 104.9 122.2 121.1 104.9 135.1 119.71988 ......................................... 118.3 123.2 105.6 126.7 124.3 106.3 141.9 125.61989 ......................................... 124.0 129.3 108.0 133.3 128.7 109.2 150.7 135.41990 ......................................... 130.7 135.5 111.4 141.0 132.9 112.2 160.4 148.21991 ......................................... 136.2 143.1 115.0 148.4 137.2 116.3 170.5 156.91992 ......................................... 140.3 145.3 117.0 155.2 140.4 122.2 179.5 162.71993 ......................................... 144.5 147.9 118.5 161.0 143.4 127.6 187.7 165.31994 ......................................... 148.2 148.2 119.3 166.0 145.8 131.1 195.3 169.31995 ......................................... 152.4 151.4 119.2 171.1 148.4 133.3 205.6 175.21996 ......................................... 156.9 153.8 119.3 175.4 151.4 135.3 213.8 179.41997 ......................................... 160.5 156.3 121.5 179.0 153.2 137.8 218.2 185.11998 ......................................... 163.0 157.8 122.2 182.2 154.2 139.1 222.5 191.41999 ......................................... 166.6 160.5 121.8 184.5 155.0 140.0 226.2 194.32000 ......................................... 172.2 164.9 121.0 188.8 157.6 142.0 231.9 200.12001 ......................................... 177.1 169.1 120.1 193.3 160.2 144.8 238.3 203.62002 ........................................ 179.9 172.9 119.0 197.5 163.3 146.7 244.3 207.02003 ........................................ 184.0 177.7 118.7 201.8 166.7 148.3 250.8 213.02004 p ....................................... 188.9 181.0 118.7 .................... 170.3 150.8 256.3 219.42003: I ...................................... 183.0 177.5 118.4 200.3 165.8 148.2 248.5 210.6II ..................................... 183.7 177.2 119.0 201.6 166.4 148.0 250.3 213.1III .................................... 184.6 177.9 118.7 202.0 166.8 148.4 251.6 213.6IV ................................... 184.6 178.2 118.5 203.1 167.9 148.5 252.8 214.92004: I ...................................... 186.3 179.0 118.3 204.1 168.8 149.6 254.2 216.0II ..................................... 188.9 181.1 118.6 206.2 170.3 150.7 256.1 218.9III .................................... 189.6 181.5 118.6 206.7 170.6 151.2 257.2 220.2IV p .................................. 190.7 182.2 119.2 .................... 171.4 151.5 257.8 222.31See Note, Table B–51 for information on U.S. industrial production series.2Consists <strong>of</strong> Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, Portugal, Spain,Sweden, and United Kingdom. Data exclude Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Sloveniawhich became members on May 1, 2004.3Prior to 1991 data are for West Germany only.4All data exclude construction. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted.Sources: National sources as reported by Department <strong>of</strong> Commerce (International Trade Administration, Office <strong>of</strong> Trade and Industry Information),Department <strong>of</strong> Labor (Bureau <strong>of</strong> Labor Statistics), and Board <strong>of</strong> Governors <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Federal Reserve System.334

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