Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College


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BELLIN COLLEGE CATALOG2011-12Out-of-State Tuition<strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> does not discriminate between in-state or out-of-state students when determining tuition andfee costs.Charges RefundedThe U.S. Department of Education requires that any tuition refunds resulting from a withdrawal prior to theend of an enrollment period be calculated based upon the percentage of the enrollment period completed.This policy applies to all students regardless of whether or not federal aid is received.No refunds of tuition and fees will be issued to students who have completed at least 60% of the enrollmentterm. The amount of tuition and fee charges to be retained by the <strong>College</strong> is equivalent to the percentage ofthe enrollment period completed multiplied by the total original tuition and fees charges for the semester.Therefore, a student who completes 40% of the semester will pay 40% of the total semester tuition and feescharges.Under no circumstances will <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> refund the following fees:• Application fee• Reservation fee• Late fee• Penalty fees• Tuition discounts or rebatesStudents who receive no financial assistance from any of the programs listed in the “Financial Aid: Return ofUnearned Aid” section of this catalog, will receive a direct refund of tuition and fees paid, as applicable per thispolicy.If the amount of aid eligibility retained by the student, if applicable, is not sufficient to cover the tuition andfees charges, the student is responsible for paying the balance. Failure to do so will result in “holds” beingplaced on all official records such as transcripts, etc.Refunds Due to WithdrawalBecause of the format of the MSN Program, this policy will be applied on a course-by-course basis. There willbe no refund for courses completed; tuition for courses not yet begun at the time of withdrawal, if applicable,will be refunded 100%. Tuition for courses still in progress at the time of withdrawal will be refunded basedupon the percentage of the course completed.Notification to Student<strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> will notify the student, in writing, of the amount of tuition and fees to be refunded as well as theamount, if applicable, of loans and/or grants to be returned to the funding source including the amount thestudent is responsible for returning. The notification will be sent to the student within 30 days of the date the<strong>College</strong> determined that the student withdrew.Institutional Withdrawal Date (Due to Non-Attendance)In accordance with Section 668.22 of the Higher Education Act, the withdrawal date for a student who ceasesattendance at <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> prior to the end of an enrollment period (i.e. semester/term) will be:1. The date, as determined by the <strong>College</strong>, that the student began the withdrawal process prescribed by<strong>College</strong> policy;2. The date, as determined by the <strong>College</strong>, that the student otherwise provided official notification to theinstitution or its representative, in writing or orally, of her/his intent to withdraw;90

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