Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College


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BELLIN COLLEGE CATALOG2011-12Department. If coursework was completed after exit, official transcripts must be presented as part of theapplication process.6. The date of re-entry is determined by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and is based on classroom,lab, clinical, and clinical resources.7. Students allowed to re-enter will be bound by the catalog in effect at time of re-entry.BSRS-Ways to Transfer CreditCredit EvaluationApplicants who have earned post-high school credits will receive a <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> credit evaluation to indicatewhat courses and credits are accepted as transferrable to fulfill <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> general education requirements.The accreditation status of the previous institution or institutions attended, the quality of a student’sachievement, and the dates the courses were taken are factors for determining course and credittransferability.Applicants can request an Unofficial or Official credit evaluation before application to the college. This isoptional, as applicants will receive an Official Credit Evaluation as part of the application process.An Unofficial Credit Evaluation (unofficial transcripts/not reviewed by Registrar) is free of charge. An unofficialcredit evaluation can assist in the evaluation of transfer courses and in planning for course requirements stillneeded to meet <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> admission requirements.An Official Credit Evaluation (official transcripts/reviewed by Registrar) is $10. Contact the <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong>Admissions office for details.An applicant having courses in-progress (IP) at the time of credit evaluation, application or acceptance to thecollege must provide official transcripts after courses are completed. The 3.0 GPA requirement and grades of“C” or above must be met to remain a viable applicant.An Official Credit Evaluation (official transcripts/reviewed by Registrar) is $10, and is required for the review ofany radiologic science course. Contact the <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> Admissions Office for details.An applicant having courses in-progress (IP) at the time of credit evaluation, application or acceptance to the<strong>College</strong> must provide official transcripts after courses are completed. The 3.0 GPA requirement and grades of“C” or above must be met to remain a viable applicant.Courses that would meet required general education courses outlined for each program option will beincluded on the credit evaluation. Required general education courses include: Biology, Chemistry, Anatomyand Physiology, Sociology/Anthropology, Human Development, Psychology, Statistics, Human Diversity,Communication, Ethics/Philosophy, Business, and Intermediate Algebra(if required). Courses which meet thegeneral education electives requirements will be included on the credit evaluation if the course grade was “C”or above.Transfer of General Education/Credits• Courses must be transferred from accredited two and four year institutions.• Courses must be at the Associate Degree (100) level and above. (Diploma/ 300 level courses are notacceptable.)• See specific options for required and minimum and maximum number of transfer credits.• Courses must meet equivalency of BC program requirements. Courses listed on the University ofWisconsin Transfer Information System (TIS) identified as equivalent at UWGB for <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> requiredgeneral education courses may be transferred if they meet BC program requirements. Courses not listedon TIS will be reviewed for equivalency by the <strong>Bellin</strong> <strong>College</strong> Registrar.• Courses ten years or older may not be accepted.62

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