Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College


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BELLIN COLLEGE CATALOG2011-1215 Month Option - Nursing Course DescriptionsCourses are scheduled with a fixed plan and sequence. Each course must be taken in succession. Aprerequisite for each course in the sequence is the successful completion of the prior block.NR 350A NUTRITION FOR HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION -- 2 creditsCourse Description:This course introduces students to the interrelationships among nutrition, food, and the environment thathave an impact on health. Topics include the basics of good nutrition throughout the lifespan with a focus onthe practical application of nutritional principles related to the nurse’s role in health promotion andmaintenance, disease prevention, and illness management.NR 352A PATHOPHYSIOLOGY -- 3 creditsCourse Description:This course introduces students to the pathophysiologic processes associated with diminished health stateswithin an individual. Prior knowledge of anatomy and physiology is integrated into the principles of healthalterations for selected disease processes. Students develop a basis for the application of critical thinking skillsto patients in diverse health care settings.NR 353A NURSING RESEARCH -- 3 creditsCourse Description:This course introduces students to the research process and how current evidence is translated into practice.Emphasis is placed on the critique of research and other forms of evidence to prepare students for theprovision of care based on current knowledge, theory, and research.NR 355A INTRODUCTION TO PROFESSIONAL NURSING -- 2 creditsCourse Description:This course introduces students to the foundation for professional practice. Strategies for success in theprofession are reviewed. Students define their philosophical beliefs about nursing while exploring the nurse’srole within the context of the health care delivery system. Legal and ethical aspects of health care arepresented. This knowledge enables students to begin the process of socialization into nursing.NR 356A PHARMACOLOGY I -- 2 creditsCourse Description:This course introduces students to the scope of pharmacology in nursing practice and the nurse’s role andresponsibilities in relation to medication administration. Legal, ethical, and lifespan considerations arediscussed. Students develop foundational knowledge about major drug classifications using a structured,systematic approach that includes general principles of drug activity, major actions, therapeutic effects,adverse reactions, nursing implications, evaluation, and patient teaching. Pharmacokinetic factors in drugtherapy are examined in relation to the major body systems and management of patient health.NR 358A HEALTH ASSESSMENT IN NURSING -- 4 credits (3.0 theory; 1.0 lab)Course Description:This course provides students with a framework for conducting systematic history and physical assessments ofadults. Students focus on skill development, diversity, and communication. Critical thinking skills are developedas students learn to collect, organize, analyze, and document subjective and objective findings.52

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