Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College


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BELLIN COLLEGE CATALOG2011-123. The mid-point of the enrollment period, if the student ceases attendance without providing officialnotification to the <strong>College</strong> of her/his intent to withdraw (unless the <strong>College</strong> can document the student’slast date of attendance at an academically-related activity);4. The date the <strong>College</strong> determines is associated with the circumstance, if the student failed to provideofficial notification of the intent to withdraw due to illness, accident, or grievous personal loss, or othersuch circumstance beyond the student’s control.5. An “academically-related activity” includes, but is not limited to, an exam, a tutorial, computer assistedinstruction, academic counseling, academic advisement, turning in a course assignment or attendance ofclass or clinical meetings.If a student is institutionally withdrawn due to non-attendance, they are responsible for all tuition, fees andapplicable charges.MSN-FeesMandatory Fees Charged Each SemesterStudents will note the following fees included on the tuition bills:• Assessment Fee covers the costs related to the mandatory participation in the college assessmentprogram. This fee is assessed during the first and last term.• Student Services Fee covers student related functions, events and organizations.• Instructional and Technology Fee includes the support for computers, media supplies and WEB basedfeatures.• Practicum Fee applies when students participate in the practicum courses. This is a per credit fee.Additional ExpensesIn addition to tuition, students should plan for the following additional expenses:• Books (contingent upon courses taken)• Room and Board• Transportation• Miscellaneous ExpensesAdditional Fees (as applicable)Graduation FeeIn the semester prior to graduation the student will be charged a $225 graduation fee. This fee helps to defraythe costs related to: 1) the diploma, caps & gowns, announcements, programs, speaker, room, musicians, andreception, 2) class picture-sitting fee, 3) and processing - closing out of student records, storage andmaintenance for future reference.Class picture packages are not included in this fee but will be available for purchase from the photographer.Audit FeeA student, who wishes to enroll in a nursing course or courses without receiving credit, may audit any nursingcourse. The tuition charge for auditing a course is one-third the regular per-credit charge for that course.91

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