Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College

Untitled - Bellin College


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BELLIN COLLEGE CATALOG2011-12RS 410: PRINCIPLES OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) - 3 creditsThis course provides the student with entry-level knowledge of contemporary magnetic resonance scanning.Topics to be covered include MRI nuclear physics, signal generation, protocols and sequencing, patient careand MRI safety, instrumentation and image evaluation, coil technology and applications, MRI angiography andcommon clinical applications of MRI scanning technology. This course is supplemented by a concurrent clinicalpracticum.Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in radiologic science; all previously required courses.RS 410C: MRI – CLINICAL - 2 creditsThis course compliments the didactic course in MRI scanning and runs concurrently. Students will be assignedto actual MRI clinical sites and placed alongside experienced MR technologists. Areas to be covered during thisclinical practicum include MR patient and physician communications, pulse sequences and scanning protocols,image quality assessment and quality control, MR scanner operation and MR patient and operator safety.Additionally, will be clinical experience in coil selection and placement, patient positioning, patient carespecific to MR scanning and MR angiography. Image critique and cross-sectional anatomy and pathology seenon MR images are included for discussion. Students completing this course should be prepared to continue theclinical requirements in preparation for MR certification.Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in radiologic science; all previously required courses.RS 420: PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHIC IMAGING (CT) - 3 creditsThis course presents the fundamental physical principles of current CT scanning technology. Topics to becovered will include a review of the historical development of CT technology, CT image production, backprojection and cone-beam technologies, detector design and operation, software applications, x-ray tubedesign considerations, CT image geometry and image reconstruction techniques and methods to minimizedosages to patients and staff. Additionally, the patient care considerations unique to CT procedures will bediscussed. An emphasis will be placed on multi-detector computerized tomography (MDCT) and its clinicalapplications. A consistent theme throughout the course will be the clinical utility of CT as it relates todiagnostic efficacy and yield. This course is supplemented by a concurrent clinical practicum.Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in radiologic science; all previously required courses.RS 420C: CT- CLINICAL - 2 creditsThis course compliments the didactic course in CT scanning, and provides CT experiences in a contemporary CTimaging department. Students will be assigned to CT clinical sites and placed alongside experienced CTtechnologists. Areas to be covered during this clinical practicum include CT patient care, physiciancommunications, CT scanning protocols, image quality assessment and quality control, CT scanner operationand patient and operator safety. Students will demonstrate competency in basic, entry-level CT proceduresand will be prepared to continue the post-graduation clinical requirements for CT certification.Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in radiologic science; all previously required courses.RS 430: PRINCIPLES OF WOMEN’S IMAGING - 3 creditsThis course provides a basic understanding of the principles of mammographic imaging as well as osteoporosisdetection. Included in this course will be topics such as breast anatomy and pathology, mammographicequipment design and operation, positioning skills and patient care considerations, quality control procedures,and interventional breast procedures, including basic ultrasonography of the breast. Also included will be thetheory and operation of dual emission x-ray absorbtiometry (DEXA). Both women’s imaging specialties will besupported by clinical experiences as a separate course and runs concurrently.Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in radiologic science; all previously required courses.83

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