Phase 1 Bike Plan_r

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Descrip on:<br />

Buffered bicycle lanes designate a por on of a roadway for exclusive use by bicycles (by way of striping, signage, and pavement markings)<br />

that is separated from the vehicular travel lane or from parked cars by a striped buffer space (typically 2-5 feet in width).<br />

Features:<br />

Ÿ Typical use on streets classified as residen al collectors and above<br />

Ÿ Includes a 2-5 foot wide striped buffer space to separate the designated bicycle lane from the vehicular travel lane or parked cars<br />

Benefits:<br />

Ÿ Allow for rela vely low cost/rapid implementa on without right-of-way acquisi on or major capital investment<br />

Ÿ Can replace underu lized travel lanes or parking lanes with simple re-striping<br />

Ÿ Provide higher level of safety and comfort for cyclists as compared to standard (unbuffered) bicycle lanes<br />

Ÿ If used adjacent to on-street parking, provide greater separa on between cyclists and parked vehicles, helping to eliminate "door zone"<br />

conflicts and crashes<br />

Ÿ Buffering helps dis nguish the lane as a dedicated space for cyclists, thus reducing the likelihood that it is mistaken for a travel lane or<br />

parking lane<br />

Ÿ Indicate clearly that bicycles have the right to be on the road and thus helps reduce poten al for bicycle/pedestrian conflicts on<br />

sidewalks<br />

Ÿ Encourage more predictable behavior by both motorists and bicyclists<br />

Ÿ Allow motorists and/or bicyclists to pass other bicyclists with less delay and with fewer passing conflicts<br />

Ÿ Improve sight distances at driveways and intersec ons<br />

Ÿ Increase the separa on between motor vehicles and sidewalks/pedestrians, thereby increasing the level of comfort for pedestrians and<br />

indirectly fostering pedestrian ac vity<br />

Ÿ May serve to calm traffic by crea ng the percep on of a more dis nct lane boundary<br />

Ÿ Provide addi onal turning space for trucks and transit<br />

Ÿ Provide shoulder space for disabled vehicles, mail delivery, bus stops, and cars yielding to passing emergency vehicles<br />

Challenges:<br />

Ÿ Require more space than conven onal (unbuffered) bicycle lanes<br />

Ÿ Addi onal markings and maintenance increase cost rela ve to conven onal (unbuffered) bicycle lanes<br />

Ÿ Motorists may park illegally in buffered lanes<br />

Ÿ O en collect debris and broken glass, which may render them (or sec ons of them) unusable; the buffer between the travel lane and<br />

bike lane may reduce the natural “sweeping” effect of passing motor vehicles, poten ally requiring more frequent maintenance (street<br />

sweeping)<br />

Ÿ May encourage poor behavior by bicyclists and right turning motorists at intersec ons and driveways, crea ng poten al conflicts (i.e.<br />

“right hooks”)<br />

Ÿ May create confusion among drivers as to whether they may cross buffer area to make turning movements<br />



Design and Maintenance Guidance:<br />

Ÿ Na onal Associa on of City Transporta on Officials (NACTO). 2014. Urban <strong>Bike</strong>way Design Guide, 2nd Edi on.<br />

Ÿ American Associa on of State Highway and Transporta on Officials (AASHTO). 2012. Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facili es, 4th<br />

Edi on.<br />

Rela ve Cost:<br />

Ÿ Striping only: ~$40,000 per mile<br />



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