Phase 1 Bike Plan_r

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Applica on: Doddridge Street at Fort Worth Street<br />

Applica on: Columbia Parkway Trail at West Point Road<br />

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Crossing loca on links bike boulevard segments on Fort Worth Street to the north and Reid Drive to the south<br />

On-street parking lane on the south side of Doddridge St. is recaptured between Fort Worth Street and Reid Drive to<br />

provide a two-way sidepath between the two streets<br />

A curb extension is constructed in the parking lane at the western end of the sidepath<br />

Because there is no space for a median island with the four-lane undivided cross sec on, a high visibility crosswalk is<br />

used in conjunc on with addi onal enhancements (RRFBs or preferably, a pedestrian hybrid beacon) to stop traffic<br />

for crossing bicyclists<br />

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Loca on provides a two-stage crossing for the Columbia Parkway Trail at West Point Road, and links the trail to the<br />

bike boulevard on Yolanda Drive<br />

On-street parking area on the north side of West Point Road is recaptured to create a two-way sidepath between the<br />

Columbia Parkway Trail on the east side of the canal and Yolanda Drive<br />

The on-street parking area on the south side of West Point Road is recaptured in the immediate vicinity of the<br />

Columbia Street/Columbia Parkway intersec on, with the eastbound lane shi ed to the south to allow the provision<br />

of a center median refuge island for the trail crossing<br />

The median island nose is extended to the east of the trail crossing to provide a protected refuge area for crossing<br />

bicyclists and other non-motorized users, as well as to control the speed of northbound le turning vehicles<br />

The trail crossing may be supplemented with RRFBs at the roadway edges and in the median<br />

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