Phase 1 Bike Plan_r

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**Cost of Implementa on:<br />

Low - Poten ally accomplished through process modifica on within limits of exis ng budgets<br />

Medium - May require re-alloca on of funding and/or supplemental funds<br />

High - Will require supplemental and/or dedicated capital improvements funding<br />

CAT<br />

Sub<br />

CAT<br />

Strategy<br />

Case<br />

Study<br />

Special Topics<br />

Narra ve<br />

Appendix<br />

Lead En ty<br />

Cost of<br />

Implementa on**<br />

Poten al<br />

Partners<br />

Priority<br />

Implement Road Work Project <strong>Plan</strong>ning Checklist developed by the MobilityCC<br />

Subcommi ee of the City's Transporta on Advisory Commission to ensure that all relevant<br />

ancillary plans are consulted as part of the roadway project scoping/planning process to<br />

ensure that ADA/pedestrian/bicycle/u lity infrastructure projects are included<br />

opportunis cally with minimal marginal addi onal cost for implementa on<br />

9<br />

City of Corpus Chris<br />

Engineering Dept<br />

Low<br />

High<br />

Public Policy and Code Reform<br />

Inves ng in Infrastructure<br />

Establish a permanent budget item for bicycle infrastructure maintenance (including debris<br />

removal), possibly coupled with exis ng streets and/or stormwater system maintenance<br />

program(s)<br />

Develop wri en procedures for maintenance of bicycle infrastructure based on the reference<br />

design and maintenance standards cited in the Infrastructure Illustra ons sec on of this<br />

plan; include a detailed schedule and quality control plan<br />

Consider installing road signs bearing the message <strong>Bike</strong>s May Use Full Lanes as an alterna ve<br />

signs bearing the more ambiguous message Share the Road<br />

Paint sharrow symbols on the pavement in the outer travel lane of streets that are part of a<br />

Priority Sport Route for Road <strong>Bike</strong>s, including streets for which this <strong>Plan</strong> prescribes a one-way<br />

cycle track outside of the roadway, in order to indicate to motorists that high speed sport<br />

cyclists may—and have the right to—opt to remain in the travel lane by virtue of the type of<br />

equipment they use, the speeds at which they travel, and their tendency to ride in groups<br />

When roads that are outside the bicycle mobility network are subject to reconstruc on,<br />

exis ng on-street bike lanes should be removed EXCEPT when the road is part of a Priority<br />

Sport Route for Road <strong>Bike</strong>s, in which case the decision should be ve ed with the sport road<br />

bicycling community. Decommissioning on street bike lanes that are not part of the network<br />

prescribed in this plan will create surplus ROW for other uses (e.g. transit lane or safety<br />

shoulder) or to allow the curb to curb width of the segment to be narrowed, thus reducing<br />

capital costs for both roadway reconstruc on and maintenance; when such savings is<br />

realized rela ve to preserving the exis ng condi on, it should be diverted as a dedicated<br />

funding stream for bike infrastructure projects and maintenance (per the bike mobility<br />

network defined in this <strong>Plan</strong>)<br />

L<br />

L<br />

City Manager(s);<br />

City Council(s)<br />

Municipal Engineering<br />

Depts.<br />

Municipal Engineering<br />

Depts.<br />

Municipal Engineering<br />

Depts.<br />

Municipal Engineering<br />

Depts.<br />

Medium<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

High<br />

High<br />

High<br />

Medium<br />

High<br />

Designate a City staff liaison to lead implementa on of the Strategic <strong>Plan</strong> for Ac ve Mobility<br />

and to provide regular status reports on program development recommenda ons as well as<br />

network build out to relevant boards, commissions, and City Council<br />

City Manager(s)<br />

Low<br />

City Council(s)<br />

High<br />

Program Evalua on<br />

Program<br />

Oversight<br />

Performance<br />

Measures<br />

Establish a municipal commi ee comprising invested volunteers as well as municipal staff<br />

(Portland) OR enhance the scope of responsibility of the exis ng Bicycle & Pedestrian<br />

Subcommi ee of the City of Corpus Chris Transporta on Advisory Commission (Corpus<br />

Chris ) to: 1. serve in an advisory capacity for bicycle infrastructure and program<br />

development issues 2. provide accountability for municipal staff in a aining<br />

implementa on milestones 3. assist municipal staff in public engagement<br />

Begin collec ng data (annually, except in the case where noted) for each of the metrics<br />

iden fied in the Special Topics Narra ve<br />

Work with the MPO to implement (target: every 3 year) a <strong>Bike</strong> Demand/Community<br />

Percep on Survey based on protocol used in development of this <strong>Plan</strong><br />

17 10<br />

11<br />

City Council(s)<br />

Municipal Engineering<br />

Depts<br />

Municipal <strong>Plan</strong>ning<br />

Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

MPO<br />

High<br />

High<br />

High<br />

72<br />


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