Phase 1 Bike Plan_r

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**Cost of Implementa on:<br />

Low - Poten ally accomplished through process modifica on within limits of exis ng budgets<br />

Medium - May require re-alloca on of funding and/or supplemental funds<br />

High - Will require supplemental and/or dedicated capital improvements funding<br />

CAT<br />

Sub<br />

CAT<br />

Strategy<br />

Case<br />

Study<br />

Special Topics<br />

Narra ve<br />

Appendix<br />

Lead En ty<br />

Cost of<br />

Implementa on**<br />

Poten al<br />

Partners<br />

Priority<br />

Priori ze implementa on of those improvements that necessitate paint and wayfinding<br />

signage without significant capital investment, including Bicycle Boulevards, Buffered <strong>Bike</strong><br />

Lanes, and other low cost/rapid implementa on opportuni es to build out the bicycle<br />

mobility network; consider the opportunity to address all of these improvements en mass<br />

City Council(s);<br />

Municipal Street<br />

Depts.<br />

Medium<br />

High<br />

Implement rou ne mowing and install wayfinding signage on off-road por ons of bike<br />

mobility network as a means of garnering interest and support for the construc on of safer<br />

mul -use paths<br />

Municipal Stormwater<br />

Depts; Municipal Parks<br />

& Recrea on Depts.<br />

Medium<br />

High<br />

Consider concrete or alterna ve hardscape rather than crushed granite or other pervious<br />

surfaces for off-road mul -use trails that are part of bike mobility network so as to maximize<br />

level of service for cyclists of all types and abili es and minimize maintenance requirements<br />

Municipal Stormwater<br />

Depts; Municipal Parks<br />

& Recrea on Depts.<br />

High<br />

High<br />

Infrastructure<br />

<strong>Bike</strong> Mobility Network Priori za on<br />

When installing cycle-tracks and/or mul -use paths, if concrete is the selected hardscape,<br />

consider roller compacted concrete rather than expansion joint installa on in order to<br />

enhance ride quality for cyclists and enhance durability; if expansion joint installa on is to be<br />

used, consider maximizing the interval between expansion joints and installing smaller<br />

tooled joints at more frequent intervals (~12') to control cracking<br />

Update speed limits on all streets that are designated Bicycle Boulevards (per this <strong>Plan</strong>) to 20<br />

MPH; sign for local traffic only (in addi on to implemen ng other best prac ces detailed in<br />

Infrastructure Illustra ons sec on of this <strong>Plan</strong>)<br />

Where traffic calming is installed on designated Bicycle Boulevards, consider using speed<br />

cushions that include cutouts for bicycle traffic; cutouts may also be spaced to match axel<br />

width of emergency vehicles<br />

Where Bicycle Boulevards include mul ple signalized intersec ons, such as on Mesquite St.<br />

in downtown Corpus Chris , consider se ng signal ming coordina on to match an cipated<br />

bicycle progression speed<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Dept.<br />

Municipal Police<br />

Dept.<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Medium<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

High<br />

Medium<br />

Low<br />

Where Bicycle Boulevards are currently unstriped, preserve the unstriped condi on to<br />

encourage flexibility in the behavior of drivers and cyclists, as drivers tend to be less inclined<br />

to preserve a safe passing radius if doing so involves crossing a center lane<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Low<br />

High<br />

Undertake a corridor study of Ocean Drive that builds upon the 2011 City of Corpus Chris<br />

Integrated Community Sustainability <strong>Plan</strong> and this Bicycle Mobility <strong>Plan</strong> to iden fy and<br />

evaluate specific bicycle infrastructure treatments to capitalize on this unique corridor<br />

City of<br />

Corpus Chris<br />

Engineering Dept.<br />

Medium<br />

Medium<br />

As a strategy for expanding the func onal reach of the bike mobility network, when roads<br />

that are outside the bike mobility network--par cularly within 1/4 mile and they are subject<br />

to reconstruc on, wherever ROW widths allow, install mul -use paths that are 8' or wider,<br />

preferably on both sides, in lieu of sidewalks with signage that indicates the poten al for<br />

shared use by cyclists and pedestrians<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Medium<br />

High<br />

When reconstruc ng roadways within bike mobility network, review exis ng driveway<br />

configura ons (width, placement, frequency) as a standard part of design process to iden fy<br />

and eliminate unnecessary conflict points with cycling infrastructure<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Medium<br />



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