Phase 1 Bike Plan_r

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**Cost of Implementa on:<br />

Low - Poten ally accomplished through process modifica on within limits of exis ng budgets<br />

Medium - May require re-alloca on of funding and/or supplemental funds<br />

High - Will require supplemental and/or dedicated capital improvements funding<br />

CAT<br />

Sub<br />

CAT<br />

Strategy<br />

Case<br />

Study<br />

Special Topics<br />

Narra ve<br />

Appendix<br />

Lead En ty<br />

Cost of<br />

Implementa on**<br />

Poten al<br />

Partners<br />

Priority<br />

Cyclist Safety<br />

and Skills<br />

Work with school districts (public and private) to develop programs that address safe routes<br />

to school including in-class safe riding educa on for students<br />

Work with school districts (specifically, ISD Police Chief, where applicable) to design and<br />

implement school crossing guard program at strategic loca ons based on the bicycle network<br />

prescribed in this Strategic <strong>Plan</strong> for Ac ve Mobility<br />

Municipali es; TxDOT<br />

5 District; ISDs<br />

(Public & Private)<br />

Low<br />

ISDs;MPO<br />

High<br />

Municipal<br />

Neighborhood Services<br />

Depts.; School Districts<br />

(Public & Private)<br />

Low<br />

ISDs<br />

Medium<br />

Work with local partners to implement an accredita on program for bike-friendly businesses<br />

Implement a municipal tax credit program, possibly including a street user fee credit or<br />

waiver (Corpus Chris ), for businesses that make investments (above an established<br />

threshold) in community bicycle infrastructure<br />

6<br />

Chambers of<br />

Commerce<br />

City Councils<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Be er Business Bureau;<br />

Local cycling clubs<br />

Medium<br />

Medium<br />

Educa on and Encouragement Programs<br />

Incen ve and Par cipa on Programss<br />

Work with primary schools (public and private) to take a whole-school approach to reducing<br />

the number of car trips to school, possibly by developing teams of enthusias c students,<br />

teachers and parents who work together to develop strategies; consider inter-grade or interschool<br />

compe ons with incen ves to spur par cipa on; promote and publicize successes<br />

Implement an incen ve program for bike commuters (e.g. cer ficates of credit to local bike<br />

shops, ability to earn points for rewards, safety gear, or the provision of bikes available for<br />

employee use)<br />

Encourage local businesses and organiza ons to register for the Na onal <strong>Bike</strong> Challenge<br />

(h p://na onalbikechallenge.org) as a means of promo ng cycling through friendly<br />

compe on<br />

Establish a task force (including outside experts, parents, teachers, and student delegates) at<br />

the municipal or school district scale to facilitate ac ve mobility among students and faculty<br />

based on a system of incen ves<br />

Create and adver se a dedicated telephone hotline, associated smartphone applica on, and<br />

associated website for repor ng pedestrian and bicylce infrastructure issues; adver se this<br />

tool as part of broader effort to communicate bike safety messages; establish a policy of<br />

responding (return call and/or primary assessment of reported issue) within 48 hours of<br />

report<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

2<br />

Municipal<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Services Depts.<br />

Chambers of<br />

Commerce; Corpus<br />

Chris Air Quality<br />

Group<br />

Chambers of<br />

Commerce; Corpus<br />

Chris Air Quality<br />

Group<br />

School Boards<br />

(Public & Private)<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

ISDs; Local<br />

cycling clubs<br />

Local cycling<br />

clubs<br />

Local cycling<br />

clubs<br />

Health and human<br />

services groups (e.g.<br />

American Diabetes<br />

Associa on), MPO<br />

Neighborhood<br />

associa ons<br />

(POAs/HOAs);<br />

Police Depts.; PIOs;<br />

Local cycling clubs<br />

Medium<br />

Medium<br />

Medium<br />

High<br />

High<br />

Refine the process whereby neighborhoods and/or businesses can establish Local<br />

Improvement Districts to request and fund pedestrian and bicycle improvements as part of<br />

an effort to improve their local street environment; promote this mechanism in municipal<br />

outreach materials and through neighborhood associa ons<br />

10<br />

3<br />

Municipal Engineering<br />

Depts., Municipal<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Services Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Neighborhood<br />

associa ons<br />

(POAs/HOAs)<br />

Low<br />

Provide opportunity for neighborhoods and/ or businesses to provide sponsorship or in-kind<br />

matching funds or volunteer labor for implemen ng pedestrian and bicycle improvements<br />

and/or take on responsibility for landscaping and maintenance<br />

11<br />

4<br />

Municipal Engineering<br />

Depts., Municipal<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Services Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />



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