Phase 1 Bike Plan_r

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**Cost of Implementa on:<br />

Low - Poten ally accomplished through process modifica on within limits of exis ng budgets<br />

Medium - May require re-alloca on of funding and/or supplemental funds<br />

High - Will require supplemental and/or dedicated capital improvements funding<br />

CAT<br />

Sub<br />

CAT<br />

Strategy<br />

Case<br />

Study<br />

Special Topics<br />

Narra ve<br />

Appendix<br />

Lead En ty<br />

Cost of<br />

Implementa on**<br />

Poten al<br />

Partners<br />

Priority<br />

Par cipate in the US Dep't. of Transporta on Mayor's Challenge for Safer People and Safe<br />

Streets: h p://www.transporta on.gov/mayors-challenge<br />

Seek Bicycle Friendly City designa on through League of American Bicylcists:<br />

h p://bikeleague.org/bfa<br />

Office(s) of the Mayor<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Chambers of Commerce;<br />

Mayor's Fitness Council<br />

(Corpus Chris ); MPO<br />

Chambers of Commerce;<br />

Mayor's Fitness Council<br />

(Corpus Chris ); MPO<br />

High<br />

High<br />

Establish and/or expand yearly organized rides for key decision makers to foster first-hand<br />

awareness of cycling condi ons<br />

Office(s) of the Mayor;<br />

Bicycle Infrastructure<br />

Advisory Commi ee(s)<br />

or equivalent<br />

Low<br />

City of Corpus Chris<br />

Transporta on Advisory<br />

Commission <strong>Bike</strong> and<br />

Pedestrian Subcommi ee;<br />

Local cycing clubs;<br />

Local bike shops<br />

Low<br />

Educa on and Encouragement Programs<br />

Lifestyle Promo on<br />

Publish maps illustra ng bicycle infrastructure, detailed route descrip ons, roadway<br />

condi ons, key des na ons, and bicycle shops; include summary of local bicycling laws and<br />

safety ps; consider prin ng various sizes, including foldable pocket version; update map(s)<br />

annually to reflect new infrastructure and facili es<br />

Implement a Cyclists' Day Out program (Saturday/Sunday Cyclovia) involving periodic<br />

(poten ally associated with monthly City of Corpus Chris First Weekend events, for<br />

example) exclusion of vehicles on a designated corridor for a deignated period (e.g. Saturday<br />

morning 8AM-12PM)<br />

Increase involvement of health officials and other health advocates into transporta on<br />

planning processes by forming partnerships with local or State organiza ons with healthrelated<br />

missions; ul mately, consider placement of health officials in non-vo ng<br />

membership or advisory roles on commi ees that review and approve transporta on<br />

projects<br />

Coordinate with local health and wellness organiza ons to promote ac ve mobility op ons<br />

as a primary public health objec ve; partner to pursue grant opportuni es such as the<br />

American <strong>Plan</strong>ning Associa on <strong>Plan</strong>4Health ini a ve to combat lack of physical ac vity and<br />

access to fresh, healthy food<br />

12<br />

13 5<br />

Conven on and Visitors<br />

Bureau(s); Municipal<br />

Parks and Rec Depts.<br />

City of<br />

Corpus Chris<br />

Parks and Rec. Dept.<br />

Municipal<br />

Transporta on<br />

Advisory Commission/<br />

Commi ees; TxDOT<br />

District; MPO<br />

Municipal Parks<br />

and Rec. Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

MPO, Corpus Chris<br />

Downtown Management<br />

District, Corpus Chris<br />

Conven on and<br />

Visitors Bureau<br />

Mayor's Fitness Council<br />

(Corpus Chris ); Local<br />

cycling clubs;<br />

Police Depts.<br />

MPO; County Health<br />

District(s), Health<br />

and human services<br />

groups (e.g. American<br />

Diabetes Associa on)<br />

Nueces County Physical<br />

Ac vity Coali on; Health<br />

and human services<br />

groups (e.g. American<br />

Diabetes Associa on)<br />

High<br />

High<br />

Medium<br />

Medium<br />

Coordinate with local agriculture interests to cross promote ac ve transporta on in<br />

conjunc on with farmers markets and other events associated with fresh/local food<br />

movement<br />

Municipal Parks<br />

and Rec. Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Grow Corpus Chris<br />

Medium<br />

<strong>Plan</strong>ning<br />

Framework<br />

Put forth a resolu on and required amendments for considera on by City Council to formally<br />

adopt the MPO's Strategic <strong>Plan</strong> for Ac ve Mobility for integra on into the Urban<br />

Transporta on <strong>Plan</strong> sec on of MobilityCC<br />

Priori ze/expedite construc on of off-road mul -use trail segments that are specified in this<br />

<strong>Plan</strong>; use the off-road mul -use trail segments iden fied in this <strong>Plan</strong> to update/priori ze offroad<br />

mul -use trail projects iden fied in the City of Corpus Chris Parks and Recrea on<br />

Master <strong>Plan</strong> and/or Hike/<strong>Bike</strong>CC component of MobilityCC<br />

I<br />

City Council(s)<br />

City of Corpus Chris<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

High<br />

High<br />

70<br />


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