Phase 1 Bike Plan_r

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**Cost of Implementa on:<br />

Low - Poten ally accomplished through process modifica on within limits of exis ng budgets<br />

Medium - May require re-alloca on of funding and/or supplemental funds<br />

High - Will require supplemental and/or dedicated capital improvements funding<br />

CAT<br />

Sub<br />

CAT<br />

Strategy<br />

Case<br />

Study<br />

Special Topics<br />

Narra ve<br />

Appendix<br />

Lead En ty<br />

Cost of<br />

Implementa on**<br />

Poten al<br />

Partners<br />

Priority<br />

Work with downtown business owners, hotels, and tourist des na ons to implement a bike<br />

share program in the Corpus Chris Central Business District<br />

1 1<br />

City of Corpus Chris<br />

Downtown<br />

Management District<br />

High<br />

Corpus Chris<br />

Conven on and<br />

Visitors Bureau<br />

Medium<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Trip Support Facili es<br />

Aquire a fleet of shared bikes for use by municipal employees during the workday; facilitate,<br />

possibly through tax/street user fee incen ves and/or collec ve purchasing, other large<br />

employers to do the same<br />

Establish a free or subsidized bike rack program to allow racks to be placed in public rights-ofway<br />

or within an easement at businesses that request bike parking<br />

Expand bike accommoda ons on transit, namely augmen ng bike rack capacity (poten ally<br />

with ver cal racks inside busses) to facilitate bike boardings and cycling as a means of<br />

accessing transit<br />

Work with RTA and other local partners to install public bicycle repair tool kiosks at transit<br />

sta ons or stops with high bike boardings or at other visible loca ons on key cycling routes;<br />

post contact informa on for cycling clubs and shops on kiosks<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Municipal<br />

Purchasing Depts.<br />

Parks and<br />

Recrea on Depts.<br />

Corpus Chris<br />

Regional Transporta on<br />

Authority<br />

Municipal Parks<br />

and Rec. Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Local cycling clubs;<br />

large local employers<br />

Bay Area Smartgrowth<br />

Ini a ve; local cycling<br />

clubs; private industry<br />

Local cycling clubs<br />

Medium<br />

High<br />

High<br />

Low<br />

Undertake a design study to develop cohesive wayfinding and branding across the en re bike<br />

mobility network; ensure ample opportunity for input by staff from all 3 municipali es in<br />

the MPO<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Medium<br />

Municipal Parks and Rec.<br />

Depts.; MPO, Corpus<br />

Chris Chapter of the AIA<br />

High<br />

Wayfinding<br />

U lize design standards and consistency of sign type to create cohesion and a sense of place<br />

within individual districts or neighborhoods<br />

Provide infrastructure and wayfinding data to Google for online, searchable bicycle direc ons<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Municipal<br />

MIS Depts.<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Municipal Parks<br />

and Rec Depts.<br />

MPO; County<br />

Health District(s)<br />

High<br />

High<br />

Install and inventory/document loca on of--wayfinding signage at all junc ons between<br />

different bike facility types (e.g. where cycle track meets bike boulevard or off-road mul -use<br />

trail segment) along a given route<br />

Municipal<br />

Engineering Depts.<br />

Medium<br />

Municipal Parks<br />

and Rec Depts.<br />

High<br />

Educa on and<br />

Encouragement Programs<br />

Cyclist Safety and Skills<br />

Capitalize on cost-effec ve opportuni es for communica ng bicycle safety messages,<br />

including wraps on municipal vehicles, PSAs, elementary school educa on workshops<br />

Partner with local bike shops and/or cycling clubs to offer road bike safety educa on for<br />

adults, such as Cycling Savvy (h p://cyclingsavvy.org) or the League of American Bicyclists'<br />

Traffic Skills 101; encourage one or more local cyclists to become accredited as an instructor<br />

through these programs<br />

Partner with local bike shops and/or cycling clubs to offer low- or no-cost bike maintenance<br />

courses; capitalize on the opportunity to include safety-related content<br />

Increase school district (public and private) representa on in transporta on planning and<br />

decision making by partnering with school district officials to formalize/designate safe routes<br />

to schools<br />

4<br />

Municipal PIO,<br />

Police Depts.,<br />

Parks and Rec. Depts.,<br />

Municipal<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Services Dept.<br />

Municipal<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Services Dept.<br />

Municipal Engineering<br />

Depts; TxDOT District;<br />

ISDs (Public & Private)<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Low<br />

Parent/Teacher<br />

Associa ons; Ride<br />

Kind Drive Kind<br />

Local bike shops;<br />

Local cycling clubs<br />

Local bike shops;<br />

Local cycling clubs<br />

ISDs<br />

High<br />

High<br />

Medium<br />

Medium<br />

68<br />


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