Phase 1 Bike Plan_r

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Wayfinding/Bicycle Maps<br />

Oakland residents lacked a comprehensive guide to walking and biking in their city, making it difficult to<br />

know the availability and quality of walking and bicycle routes. A generous grant from the State of<br />

California Office of Traffic Safety mandated an educa on project targe ng the general popula on of<br />

pedestrians. The Oakland Pedestrian Safety Project used the grant to create a map that highlights<br />

walkways, bikeways, landmarks, civic des na ons such as schools and libraries, neighborhood names,<br />

historic networks of paths, major transit routes, and street grades. The back of the map features bike<br />

and pedestrian safety ps, a primer on pedestrian design improvements, recommended walks, and<br />

walking tour informa on. The 18,000 maps printed were distributed to neighborhoods and community<br />

organiza ons, bookstores, bike shops, schools, and recrea on centers.<br />

The map was a collabora on between the Oakland Heritage Alliance and local volunteers, who all<br />

helped survey exis ng pathways and staircases. City archivists aided in the effort by finding the names of<br />

most of Oakland's old neighborhoods. An experienced designer and publisher was contracted to<br />

produce the map. Funded by the State of California Office of Traffic Safety, total costs came to $48,000<br />

including staff me, street grade surveys, map design, and map prin ng. The project took 6 months<br />

from concept to prin ng.<br />

Walk Oakland! has generated excitement and posi ve feedback from neighborhood groups and school<br />

kids. It is expected that the map will serve as a star ng point for further projects to encourage both<br />

walking and be er pedestrian-friendly design. Demand has been high, and it is expected that another<br />

prin ng will be necessary in the near future.<br />

En ty: Rufus Guides<br />

Loca on: Oakland, CA<br />

Website: www.rufusguides.com/oakland.html<br />

Cyclovia<br />

Boulder's Cyclovia is a full day event that takes over several miles of road that brings the Boulder<br />

community together in a free outdoor se ng, promo ng healthy and ac ve living among neighbors.<br />

Hundreds of vendors within 10 different zones provide free ac vi es such as dance, climbing, kayaking,<br />

cycling workshops, rodeo, running, walking tours of downtown Boulder, yoga, Frisbee, and more. Some<br />

workshops are bi-lingual, drawing more par cipants. People bike, dance, walk, rollerblade, scooter, or<br />

travel by some other ac ve mode to get between the zones. Many of the vendors that Boulder Green<br />

Streets works with are socially and environmentally responsible companies and organiza ons,<br />

providing the par cipants of Cyclovia with knowledge about what their local community businesses<br />

have to offer.<br />

In 2012, around 15,000 people par cipated in Cyclovia, with 65% arriving to the event by alterna ve<br />

means. In an a empt to increase the number of par cipants to 20,000 and also increase the number of<br />

people arriving by bike, walking, or any alterna ve to a car, Boulder Green Streets added a new<br />

innova on and crea vity zone, developed an interac ve event app, recruited more socially and<br />

environmentally responsible business and organiza ons to par cipate, and commi ed to becoming a<br />

zero waste event. Boulder Green Streets supports Boulder businesses and government groups that<br />

offer health and ac ve living services and products, as well as local non-profit partners offering<br />

programs in sustainability health services and ac ve living, as part of its promo on of healthy, ac ve,<br />

and sustainable living.<br />

En ty: Boulder Green Streets<br />

Loca on: Boulder, CO<br />

Website: h p://www.bouldergreenstreets.org<br />


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