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SSD 63<br />

Culture, Cinema and Media - The main purpose of this course is to introduce students to global cultures through<br />

cinema and media and make them sensitive to good cinema.<br />

Drawing & Sketching - This course aims at developing visualization skills, and to help the students generate and<br />

transform ideas on paper<br />

Creative Practice - The course synthesizes training in all aspects of design and guides in the development of a design<br />

which is created due to a need based analysis. The course enables to understand the complete design processes and<br />

methods of delivering a design from concept to consumer.<br />

Story boarding and ideation - The development of visual problem-solving presentation assignments to enhance the<br />

students’ personal portfolios. Story boarding would make the students realize the importance of design thinking and<br />

converting verbal language to visual language.<br />


Spatial Design - The objective of this course is to introduce students to the process of spatial design through looking<br />

at functions and concepts related to the Personal and Dwelling. Students gain an understanding of how basic functions<br />

relate to one another and how to develop ideas around these functions.<br />

Graphics & Representation - This course is about developing skills in graphic communication. It involves combining and<br />

organising the graphic elements of type with illustrative and photographic images, diagrams, signs and symbols.<br />

Structures: Principles & Systems - The objective of this course is to introduce basic structural principles that are<br />

employed in architecture and the design of buildings. The learning is intended to give Interior Design students knowledge<br />

and understanding of structural systems, elements and materials that are appropriate for the work of an Interior Designer.<br />

Colour I: Theory & Psychology - We are constantly surrounded by colour whether in nature where colour is present<br />

in everything, the flowers, the trees, the sea etc. or human-produced colour in the form of dyes, paints etc., everywhere<br />

about us there is colour. Colour means different things to different people and colours impact people differently.<br />

Interior Services I: (Climate & Lighting) - The objective of this course is to introduce students to the field of lighting,<br />

with technical knowledge in creating basic lighting schemes related to type of function.<br />

Object & Furniture - The built environment we now inhabit is contracted from objects and forms ranging from the very<br />

small to the very large. It is an interior designers role to ensure that all those objects are in harmony and correctly suit<br />

the purpose in every sense. As our world becomes ever more populated, energy and space demands will intensify. This<br />

course will have this PROBLEM at it’s core.<br />

In all streams, through year three, the basics and extended knowledge developed in Foundation year and year two are<br />

applied to push the boundaries further, producing the ‘expanded designer’. The final year or year four gives the student<br />

the opportunity to round off the knowledge gained through final project and internship. This can be in practice in India or<br />

abroad or in a one term course at one of the schools of the University of the Arts London.<br />

Materials & Construction - The course is designed to familiarize students with the process and nomenclature of building<br />

construction and the various structural components associated with it. In parallel it would teach system and standards of<br />

creating construction drawings.<br />

History of the Arts - As consumer goods, unique artworks and various forms of visual communication are central to the<br />

modern world, studying their history and culture is one of the most stimulating and rewarding ways to understand our society.<br />

Technical Drawing - The objective of the course is enable the student to understand and visualize the relationship between<br />

3D and its representation in 2D. The skills imparted would act as tools to design thinking, visualization and representation.<br />


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