Fah Thai Magazine Sep/Oct 2017

"FAH THAI" is the in-flight magazine of Bangkok Airways Public Company Limited and is edited and published by MPMI Group Ltd. "FAH THAI" is the in-flight magazine of Bangkok Airways Public Company Limited and is edited and published by MPMI Group Ltd.


GALLERY MYANMAR The feeling of awe and wonderment trickles in as Karen photographs the pagoda on Mandalay hill and the city views. In Myanmar, her feelings are expressed in photos like the time she was at Inle Lake on a boat, waiting for the sun to set. In famed Bagan, she joins the throng of people to also wait for the same magic moment when the sun lowers itself into the horizon. RIGHT At Hsinbyume Pagoda, the all around whiteness and wave pattern reminds her of ocean waves. At old Bagan, many abandoned pagodas dot the landscape. Meanwhile, residents are also abandoning the area as the government converts it into a main tourist destination. “All that will be left are pagodas and animals,” she says. 80 81



The feeling of awe and wonderment trickles in as Karen photographs the pagoda on<br />

Mandalay hill and the city views. In Myanmar, her feelings are expressed in photos like<br />

the time she was at Inle Lake on a boat, waiting for the sun to set. In famed Bagan,<br />

she joins the throng of people to also wait for the same magic moment when the sun<br />

lowers itself into the horizon.<br />

RIGHT<br />

At Hsinbyume Pagoda, the all around whiteness and wave pattern reminds her of<br />

ocean waves.<br />

At old Bagan, many abandoned pagodas dot the landscape. Meanwhile, residents are also<br />

abandoning the area as the government converts it into a main tourist destination.<br />

“All that will be left are pagodas and animals,” she says.<br />

80<br />


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