327 - 11th Botany Textbook Volume 1

A botanical book

A botanical book


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are dithecous, basifixed, introse and

dechiscing by longitudinal slits.

Gynoecium: Monocarpellary, unilocular,

with many ovules on mariginal

placentation, ovary superior, style simple

and incurved with feathery stigma.

Fruit: Legume

Seed: Non-endospermous, reniform.

Floral Formula: Dt0.Dtn0.'.""."M *7+

.E 7

.C *;+-3

.I 3

Botanical description of Pisum sativum

(Pea Plant)

Habit: Cultivated herb, becoming shrubby.

Root: Branched tap root system,

nodulated due to the presence of

nitrogen fixing bacteria (Rhizobium


Stem: Erect and climbing, one to three

feet high, young stem densely pubescent,

somewhat angular, herbaceous, green and


Leaves: Alternate, petiolate, stipulate,

stipules ¼ to ½ inch long attached near

the base, compound (trifoliate), leaflets

dark green, entire, acuminate, pubescent

on both the sides, reticulate venation.

Inflorescence: Clustered axillary


Flower: Bracteate (small

and deciduous), bracteolate

(usually persistent), pedicellate,

heterochlamydeous, complete, bisexual,

pentamerous, zygomorphic and


Calyx: Sepals 5, green synsepalous,

companulate, showing valvate aestivation.

Odd sepal is anterior in position.

Corolla: Petals 5, apopetalous,

irregular papillionaceous, consisting of

a posterior standard, two lateral wings,

two anterior ones forming a keel which

encloses stamen and pistil, vexillary /

descendingly imbricate aestivation.

Androecium: Stamens 10, diadelphous

(9)+1 nine stamens fused to form a bundle

and the tenth one is posterior and free.

Anthers dithecous, basifixed, introse and

dehisce longitudinally.

Gynoecium: Monocarpellary, ovary

superior, unilocular, with many ovules on

marginal placentation, style simple and

curved, stigma capitate.

Fruit: Legume

Seed: non-endospermous with thick


Floral Formula: Dt0.Dtn0.'.""."M *7+

.E 7

.C *;+-3

.I 3

Arachis hypogea

Crotalaria verrucosa

Indigofera tinctoria Aeschynomene aspera

Figure 5.14: Selected plants belongs to

the Family Fabaceae


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