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My lips curled in revulsion. “I don’t care if you die, but

you’re probably going to give me cancer along the way if

you keep smoking around me like this.”

It was a horrible thing to say, I knew. But for someone to

care so little about their own life and health, it made me

pity the poor fool. He really didn’t know what it meant to

precariously hang between life and death. He didn’t know

how scary and lonely the door behind death was. I saw it,

and it still haunted me to this day.

Maddox let out another puff of smoke before he looked

down at me. “Why do you hate me so much?”

A mocking laugh spilled past my freezing lips. It was

colder than I anticipated, and I wasn’t dressed properly for

the weather, stupid me. “Wow. Are you that full of yourself

you can't figure out why I despise you so much? I thought

you were smarter than that.”

“Well, I want to hear it from you. I don't like to


Oh really? I didn’t think he was ready for this, but I

humored him anyway.

Fighting another shiver from the cold, I hugged my

waist and turned slightly toward Maddox. The ripped jeans

were a bad idea since my legs were numb now. But I

refused to show any sign of being frozen to death, least of

all in front of him. “First. You still haven't apologized for

bumping into me in the coffee shop.”

He let out a mocked gasp, filled with disbelief. “What?

You’re still pissed about that day? It's been two months!”

I locked my jaw, silently bristling. “I don't care how long

it's been. I appreciate it when people take responsibility for

their mistakes and apologize when they’re wrong.”

“I’m sorry.”

My jaw went slack, and my eyes snapped to his.

Wait...did...Maddox Coulter just apologize to me? Was

something wrong with my ears? Maybe I was dreaming.

Yup, that must have been it. “What did you just say?”

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