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From the corner of my eye, I saw Lila clenching her

glass. Her knuckles turned white, and her lips were pursed

in a hard line. She stared straight ahead of her, ignoring

me and the woman in my arms.

“Serena. Et vous?”

“Maddox,” I introduced myself, bringing her hand up to

my lips and kissing the back of it.

“Oh.” She blushed, biting her lip. “It’s a pleasure to

make your acquaintance, Maddox.” My name rolled off her

tongue like she was tasting it, fucking it.

“Tout le plaisir est pour moi, chérie.” My pleasure,


Serena let out a small breathy laugh. “Charming, I see.”

I curled a finger around her blonde locks, tugging her

toward me. Her tits pressed against my chest. She wasn’t

wearing any bra, and I could feel her puckered nipples

through our thin layers of clothing. “Do you… want to


Lila slammed her empty glass on the bar, and Serena

flinched. My lips twitched, smirking. Oh yeah, my girl was


“Another drink. Strong,” she practically snarled at the


Grinning, I let my hand wander to Serena’s hips. My

fingers tightened around her curves, thick and lush in the

palms of my hands, and she gasped, her lips parting. A

tempting sight, but it did nothing to my dick.

Sure, she was attractive.

A few months ago, I would have been all up in her pussy,

probably banging her against the bathroom stalls. But not


I wasn’t the least bit interested in Blondie, but if Lila

wanted to play…

She needed to learn the rules, and then she had to play

it better than me. She could turn this into a little game of

hers, and I’d show her how it’s really played.

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