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comment he made in the cafeteria. He propositioned me for

sex, like I’m some kind of paid who–”

Riley slapped a hand over my mouth before I could finish

my sentence. “Shh, he’s coming in.”

We both ducked around the corner, the same time

Maddox stormed into the building and right into the locker


“I feel like a spy,” Riley announced in my ear, giggling


Basically, we were spying on him.

Riley and I snuck closer to the locker room. The door

was partially opened, and we peeked inside. It was empty,

since everyone else was on the field – except Maddox. From

where we stood, we could hear the shower running.

“He must be itching really bad right now.”

I shushed Riley when she couldn’t hold in her laughter

any longer.

“Can you see him?”

I stood on my tip-toes, trying to get a look inside.


A few minutes later, the shower turned off and then I did

see him.

“Oh,” Riley whispered behind me.

Yeah, oh.

Maddox was bare chested, with a towel wrapped loosely

around his hips. His body was still wet and glistening as if

he didn’t care to dry himself the moment he stepped out of

the shower. He roughly rubbed another towel through his

long curly hair, before running it over the rest of his body.

I hated him; I truly did, but there was no denying it;

something about his physique was making my lady brain go

mushy and all my lady parts tingle. I inhaled deeply as I

took in the sight in front of me.

Maddox furiously wiped the ringlets of water from his

muscled chest until his skin was glowing pink. I tried to

look away – it was the decent thing to do, but I failed

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