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embarrassment. Stepping away from the door, I motioned

her inside. “Come in.”

I closed the door behind her and noticed her looking

around the apartment. “Maddox is not here right now.”

Her blue eyes twinkled, the same eyes as Maddox.

Maddox was a carbon copy of his father, but he got his eyes

from his mother. “I’m here to see you,” she said.

My breathing halted, and I felt a sense of panic well up

inside me. “Me?” What could she ever want with me?

“Can I sit?” Savannah asked, giving me a small smile.

“Um, yeah. Sure.” I motioned toward the couch. “Do you

want something to drink?”

“Water is fine.” I came back with a glass of water, and

she mumbled a quick thank you, when I handed in to her.

Savannah appeared a bit nervous, fidgeting with her dress,

as she took a seat.

“We heard you moved in with Maddox,” she started.

Ah, so his parents were keeping tabs on him. “Yes, about

three months ago.”

She looked around the apartment with a timid smile.

“You have a nice place.”

“Thank you.” I couldn’t tell if she was judging my décor

or appreciating it. Everything felt so awkward, us sitting…

trying to have a normal conversation, when we barely

spoke more than a sentence to each other in the four years

since I’d known Maddox.

“It’s very… homey,” she expressed.

“Is that a bad thing?” I blurted out, without thinking it

through. Maddox loved it, our little apartment together.

Sure, our taste was quite different, but he gave me free

rein over the décor. I left a touch of Maddox – the curtains

were black; our bedroom was all black… but I added a bit

of Lila to it, too. Flower pots, paintings and pictures – he

didn’t have any frames on his walls before, but now, he did.

Photos of us, Colton and his friends. He called it… home.


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