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The drive to our place was rather quiet, and I gave her

that. I allowed her the silence, gave her one last chance to

overthink this, before I’d swoop in and turn her world

upside down.

Fifteen minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot. Lila

hurriedly got out of the car, before I could say a word. Was

she thinking of making a beeline to her apartment without

even acknowledging me?

What – the – fuck?

Lila and I were just stepping out of the car, when Colton

rolled into the lot in his yellow Ferrari. Last month, he had

the latest Jaguar Sport – in green. He liked his cars, like his

women: flashy, bold and extravagant. Arrogant little shit, no

wonder we were best friends.

We watched, as he jogged around to the passenger’s

side, opened the door and out stepped… Riley?

Double – what – the – fu–

She wobbled out in her cast and grimaced as Colton

wrapped an arm around her shoulders, helping her hop

over to us. She waved, a little smile on her face. “Lila!”

Lila dropped her bag at my feet and raced over to Riley,

before enveloping her friend into a tight hug. Colton

reluctantly released his cargo into Lila’s arms and took a

step back.

I walked over to the little group and bumped fists with

Colton. Riley and he barely tolerated each other, and I was

damn curious how he convinced her to let him help. I

glanced down at the grocery bags he was holding. I could

see there were vegetables, chocolates and… tampons.

Yeah, that grocery bag definitely did not belong to Colton.

He appeared to be Riley’s personal chauffeur and… helper?

“How’s the leg?” I nodded toward Riley’s blue cast.

Her lip jutted out, a sad pout. “It’s fine now.”

Lila made a strangled sound at the back of her throat,

sounding both pissed… and cute with the look of outrage

on her face. “I can’t believe you waited a whole day before

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