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laced with something akin to… affection? Adoration?

Something more…

“And you ask way too many questions, woman.”


Maddox shook his head. “Get in the shower, Lila. Or

we’ll never leave this hotel room.”

Huffing back a response, I stomped to the bathroom. I

locked the door, just in case he got any ideas. I needed

some time alone to think, to prepare myself and my… heart

for what Maddox had planned. Because, regardless of what

I said or did… or how hard I tried to push Maddox away

and to keep my heart in a cage, he made me weak.

I found my disheveled reflection in the mirror and

groaned. The end result of a sex marathon.

Rubbing a hand over my face, I leaned against the sink.

Everything was happening too fast. Two days ago… the

mere idea of sleeping with Maddox was forbidden, almost


Now, I was so tightly entangled with him, there was no

way out.

I didn’t even know how to step back, how to go back to

how we were before. My throat tightened with a choked


Before Maddox, I didn’t know how to fill in the missing

piece. I didn’t even know I was missing a piece of my

puzzle until he sauntered into my life, with a dirty smirk. I

didn’t know I was incomplete until he made me whole.

Before Maddox… I didn’t really know me.

I covered my chest with my hand, and my scars tingled

as a reminder. After the death of my parents, I went on with

the motion of life. I woke up, went to school, reminded

myself to breathe, smiled because I was expected to, slept

while praying the nightmares stayed away. And repeat.

I breathed.

I lived.

But I wasn’t… alive.

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