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Iwas on time for my English class and successfully

submitted my essay – all thanks to the spare shirt I

had in my locker. The one I wore this morning was

soaked from my spilled iced coffee by the boy who shall not

be named.

As soon as the bell rang, indicating the start of class,

Mrs. Levi started her lecture about Greek Mythology. She

went back and forth from the textbook and writing notes on

the chalkboard.

Science might be my passion, but English was my

favorite subject. I loved reading, loved learning about the

language - every little piece of it. My interest began with

Shakespeare, although it was Edgar Allen Poe who made

me fall in love with English.

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there,

wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal

ever dared to dream before.”

I may or may not have memorized most of his poems

after reading them over and over again. There was just

something eerily beautiful with the way he weaved his

words together.

“Medusa has several myths about her life, the most

common ones are of her death and her, rather, painful

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