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you called and told me about your accident! You broke your

leg, what the hell!”

“Fractured,” Colton amended. “Not broken. She’s lucky

I was next door and heard her cry out.”

“You shouldn’t have climbed up that ladder when you

were home alone. It was never stable.” Lila’s forehead

creased with worry as she fretted over her friend. “You

could have been hurt worse!”

“She could have just called me, and I would have fixed

the broken cabinet,” Colton mumbled under his breath.

Riley hissed, her eyes flashing with annoyance. “I had it

all handled if it wasn’t for the cat jumping into my ladder.

Rory asked me to cat-sit for her while she and Jaxon were

away this weekend.” She faced her nemesis, glaring. “I

didn’t… and don’t need your help, Colton.”

“Funny. I’m the one who drove you to the hospital in the

middle of the night.”

Her shoulder straightened, and her lips curled up in

distaste. “Because you insisted.”

“You were in pain.”

“Who cares? I was fine on my own and could have called


“I care,” Colton growled.

Riley opened her mouth to snap back at him, but then

paused at Colton’s confession. She blinked, opened her

mouth again, before finally shutting up. No smartass

comeback? Huh, interesting.

“Whatever,” she mumbled under her breath. “How was

your trip, Lila?”

Lila’s gaze found mine, as she turned red. She blinked

away and sputtered out a half-ass response to her friend.

“Oh, fine. It was fine. Everything was nice and fine.”

“She said fine three times,” Colton muttered to me, soft

enough the girls didn’t catch it.

Riley never shut up, and she asked way too many

questions all the time. Surprisingly, today, she seemed more

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