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harder time than usual with Iris, I knew that. But she was


Lila hated asking for help.

And worse, she hid from me. Her real feelings, what she

was struggling with and all the messy things in her head.

She tried to act tough and strong, as if she had everything

under control.

But I knew my Little Dragon was losing control.

My wife was a warrior and she fixed her own crown

without needing me to, but some days she was a broken

mess. And I was there, to hold her. To keep her grounded

while she fought whatever battle she was fighting in her


But it wasn’t just a battle anymore.

It was a whole goddamn war in her head right now. And

my Lila? She was a bloody soldier who was slowly losing

her grip on reality.

I let her pile up the presents again; I had lost count how

many times she re-organized the presents under the tree.

Lila did that every time she was lost in her head, kind of

like something she did unknowingly.

“Lila,” I called out gently.

She jumped in response, but otherwise chose to ignore

me. But I’ve had enough. Striding over to her crouched

form, I lifted her up in my arms. She went willingly, her

body going slack in my embrace.

Lila buried her face into my neck and let out a loud sob.

“I don’t know what to do! What am I doing wrong?”

“You’re not doing anything wrong.” I stroked her back

as her body trembled with every wretched sob that escaped

her throat. She was hurting and my heart was bleeding at

her feet.

“Then why does it feel like I am?”

I didn’t know how to explain this to her. I didn’t have the

response she needed to hear.

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