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“Maddox, answer the question!”

His eyes darted left and right as if someone would pop

up to save his ass. Maddox gave me a sheepish look. “I got

Iris the baby goat she wanted. Early Christmas present.”

“You did what?” I gasped.

Iris was an animal lover. My little girl had a pure soul,

but that meant my house turning into a zoo. She brought

home all the injured animals. Birds, lost cats and dogs,


Two months ago, she asked her daddy to get her two

white rabbits. And what did her daddy do? He got her two

pet rabbits, of course.

“You got her a baby goat?” I repeated slowly. Oh my

God! Maybe today was the day I ended up in prison. On the

possible charges of murdering my husband.

“She pouted and I couldn’t say no. You know I’m weak

for her pouts,” he tried to defend himself as if that

explained why he bought a freaking goat.

I took a deep breath, to calm myself down. But yeah,

that wasn’t happening. When he opened his mouth to

justify himself again, I was done.


“Yes, ma’am. Of course, ma’am,” he said quickly.

Maddox backpedaled, hands still up in defense. When he

was a good distance away from me, he finally chuckled.

“I’m not even sorry, Little Dragon. But I love you.”

And then he was gone. Practically running away from

me and the goat he brought home.

Who thought marrying this insane man was a good idea?

Oh right, me.


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