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“I needed you before. I don’t need you now,” I barked in

her face.

Her neck flushed pink, and Lila looked at me with such

heartbreaking eyes… Fuck.

Her fingers circled my wrist, and she brought my hand

up. Her thumb brushed over my swollen, bruised knuckles.

“You promised that you wouldn’t ever stop being my friend,

and I vowed that no matter what, we wouldn’t let our

fuckedupness get in the way of our friendship. I’m not here

as your ex. I’m here as your friend. So, either you shower,

get dressed and eat breakfast like a normal person, or I will

drag you. Got it?”

Lila let my hand go, and she stalked away, only pausing

at the door. She cocked her head to the side, looking at me

over her shoulders. “And trust me, I can, and I will. You

might be a hundred pounds heavier than me, but,

remember, you trained me in how to use my weight against

someone heavier than me.”

Goddamn it.

AN HOUR LATER, I found myself shoveling breakfast in my

mouth. Colton tapped his fingers over the countertop,

looking everywhere but my face. “Why did you let her in?” I

said, around a mouthful.

Colton cleared his throat. “I didn’t. I tried to close the

door, but she kicked it open.”

I dropped the fork on my plate. He was kidding, he had

to be. “You’re telling me, that you couldn’t stop a hundredpound

woman from entering your home?”

“She threatened my dick, man.” His voice lowered to a

whisper. “She’s legit a psychopath. No wonder you two

suited each other so well.”

Fuck that. I shoved another forkful in my mouth.

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