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“Sugar” by Maroon 5 continued to play in my ear, and I

softy hummed along to the song.

When a blast of cool air hit the back of my legs, I turned

around to see a group of loud boys walking into the coffee

shop. I instantly recognized a few of them from my classes.

The Bennett Twins were part of the group. The boys kept

the door opened, standing right at the entrance. Half of the

group were wearing the required Berkshire uniform –

pants, shirt, tie and blazer. The other half were in their gym

clothes or football uniforms.

Jocks. Ugh.

Rich. Loud. Foul-mouthed. Annoying. A bit too wild.

Everything I stayed away from, and everything I despised.


Ignorance was bliss. I turned back around and focused

on my playlist instead, my foot tapping impatiently on the

floor. The barista was taking forever, and I desperately

needed my sugar. I could feel the group of boys coming

closer to me, and I half-listened to them order their own

drinks. In my peripheral, I could see them pushing each

other around, bumping shoulders, and shaking with

laughter. Their teasing rung louder than the music blasting

in my ears.

“Here you go!” I lifted my head up when the voice called

out in a singsong tone. Finally! My mouth watered as the

young lady handed me the iced latte, and I almost drooled

at the sight of extra whip cream. Heaven.

“Thank you.” I cleared my throat and sent her a grateful

smile. God bless your soul, woman.

I swiveled around while simultaneously putting the

straw into my mouth. But I never got the chance to take the

first sip of my heavenly goodness. Nope. My happiness only

lasted for two seconds flat.

Before I knew what was happening, a rock-hard wall

bumped into me. I heard someone swear under his breath.

It happened fast, too quickly for me to catch on until it was

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