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lowered his head, so he could whisper in my ear, “Your last


“It’s really not fair. It’s your birthday, and you won’t let

me do something for you,” I mumbled, even though my

heart was doing somersaults in my chest.

Maddox placed a quick kiss on the corner of my lips.

“You already are.”


“You’re spending the day with me. That’s enough.”

“A date,” I said cheekily.

“A date,” he affirmed, with a warm, dimpled smile. It

transformed his face. Maddox looked happy, and he

suddenly appeared younger than before, more his age. All

casual, carefree and young.

He was always busy with school and football, always

worrying, always tense. It was a burden he carried as he

tried to make his father happy, even though if you asked

him – he’d lie and say he didn’t give a single fuck what his

father thought of him.

He was a good liar, like that, hiding his pain behind the

mask he wore, showing the world he was the Maddox

Coulter: cocky, arrogant, rich–Berkshire’s star quarterback

and now Harvard’s.

To the world, he had everything. Parents. Money. A

scholarship. His football career. Girls at his disposal.

He was a king, and he wore his crown, filled with thorns,

with an unmatched arrogance and a dirty smirk to go with


But deep inside, all Maddox ever wanted was

acceptance and love.

So he worked endlessly for it… and always ended


But right now? The usual tensed line on his forehead

was smoothed out, his blue eyes practically alive, and his

smile was…real.

Oh damn it. There goes my heart again.

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