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eased up, and the air became less suffocating. “Wait, so you

guys… knew?”

Pops shrugged. “It was a guess before. You confirmed it


“So, you’re okay with this?” I questioned slowly.

“Are you asking for our blessing?” Pops cocked an

eyebrow at me, but he was… smiling. “You have it. As long

as you’re happy.” I sat there, slack-mouthed. Holy shit, my

grandpa, who was a very hard man to impress, was smiling

at the fact that I was dating Maddox Coulter. Yeah, I must

have fallen into another universe.

He turned to Maddox, his dark eyes hardening. “I don’t

have to warn you because you already know what will

happen if you ever hurt my little girl. You might be young,

healthy and probably stronger, but I can still whoop your

ass, Son.”

Maddox laced our fingers together and gave me a gentle

squeeze. He returned my grandpa’s stare with one of his

own: confident and self-assured, so Maddox. If it wasn’t for

how sweaty and clammy his hand was, with a slight

twitching in his fingers, I wouldn’t have been able to tell if

he was nervous or not.

“Sir, Lila’s happiness means as much to me as it does to

you. I know you know that. You raised her and took care of

her when she needed you the most. Now, it’s my turn,” he


My chest fluttered, and my womb tingled with fuzzy

warmth, as the same feeling spread throughout my whole

body. I made a sound in the back of my throat, both happy

and in warning. “Um, excuse me. I can take care of myself,

thank you very much.”

Pops let out a small laugh, and my chest expanded with

emotions I couldn’t place. “Good luck, Son. This one is very

feisty, just like her grandma.”

Gran blushed, and Maddox chuckled. “Don’t worry. I can

handle her.”

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