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new,” he whispered, his voice raspy. It made the tiny hair

on my bare arms stand up.


He was still smirking. Fuck you, I mentally slapped him.

“I have been called many names before. Been swore at so

many times, I lost count about three years ago. But being

called a psychopath? That's a first.”

I gaped at him. Was this guy joking or seriously just


Maddox brought his head closer to me, his body leaning

into mine. He brought warmth with him, and I didn't like

that. He wasn't supposed to be warm. He wasn't supposed

to smell nice. He wasn't supposed...

“I like it.”

His lips were only an inch away from mine. His face so

close I could feel his minty breath feathering over my skin.

I stayed still, completely still. If I moved, our lips would


My fists clenched, and I squeezed them over my thighs.

“What?” I breathed.

“I like it. You calling me a psychopath. It’s new. It's

different.” He was still too close. He was still grinning like

a fucking loon. He was still so warm...he still smelled so


My body seemed to overheat with his presence. My

heart thudded in my chest. “You are crazy,” I whispered.

His eyes glinted with something mischievous and

roguish. “Wanna see just how crazy I am, Sweet Cheeks?”

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