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The moment we stepped inside, we were swallowed by

darkness, and the screams of previous victims who have

entered this dark place. “And if I die?”

“You’re exaggerating,” Riley muttered under her breath.

She wrapped her arm around me and guided us through

the darkness. “I can’t even see anything!”

“That’s the point, Lila! It’s called a haunted house for a

reason, smartass.”

She was laughing now, but there was nothing funny

about this situation. A loud growling sound came from

behind us, and I jumped at least two feet high. Someone

was close, way too close to us. I could feel them stalking us

in the darkness, their hot breaths on our neck.

“They’re behind us,” I whispered, my heart taking a dive

into the pit of my stomach. The temperature was cold, but I

had stress sweats. The air was thick and almost

suffocating, or maybe that was just me. My hands were

clammy, and I clenched onto Riley’s arm.

She let out a shaky breath. “I can feel them, too. Just

keep walking.”

We walked further into the labyrinth looking path. Metal

chains clanged close to us, as if someone had been tied to

them and they were restlessly pulling at the chains. None

of it was real, I reminded myself. They were live humans

with costumes and wickedly good make-up.

I peeked to my left and wished I hadn’t.

One very vile zombie man, his face bloodied and

disfigured with his eyes pure white, walked out of the

shadow, a mere inch away from me. His mouth was opened,

and he snarled right into my face.

My lips parted with an ear-splitting scream. Riley

jumped, and she let out a shriek, too. Grabbing my hand in

hers, we made a run for it.

At every corner, there was a different horror waiting for


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