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mention he was a genius. Not Einstein genius, but we all

thought he was never paying attention to his classes.

Apparently, he was, and he wasn’t braindead like I

believed. In fact, Maddox was probably smarter than me,

and this was something I begrudgingly admitted. His brain

was working overtime to catch up on his classes, and he did

it. Quite successfully.

One semester down.

One more to go.

After our exam marks came in, we decided to throw

Maddox a little surprise party. Just his close friends,

nothing too big. That was supposed to be tonight.

Except Maddox was nowhere to be found.


I looked at Colton, waiting for him to continue. “What?”

“He likes to disappear for a day or two,” Colton slowly


“So, something is wrong?”

He must have seen the alarm on my face because he was

already shaking his head. “Not exactly. It’s just… some

days, Maddox gets low. He doesn’t like to be around people

when he’s feeling like that.”

I grabbed my shoulder bag and slammed my locker

close. “Do you know where he is right now? Where he goes

when he’s like this?”

Colton gripped my shoulder, his face intense as he

pinned me with a harsh stare. “Listen, Lila. It’s best you

leave him alone when he’s like this.”

“He’s my friend,” I claimed out loud.

Colton let out a humorless laugh. “He’s my best friend.

So what?”

“I know him.” I wrenched away from his grasp and


“I know him better than you,” he said simply. “I’ve

known him since we were kids.”

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