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was going to be. He had been calling me every day.

But today, he seemed especially persistent.

Maddox’s name flashed on the screen, as the call went

to voicemail. With an angry wail that sounded like a broken

record to my own ears, I tossed the phone at the wall. It

bounced and slammed onto the floor, the screen cracking

and going black.

The call ended.

The wave came again. It crashed into me, and even

though my body had long grown numb to me, it still… hurt.

I still drowned, gasping for air, gasping to stay alive.

Riley let out a soft sigh. “You have to talk to him. Just

once, Lila. Not for his sake. But for your own. You’re

hurting, and you need closure.”

“I don’t want anything from him,” I spat. “There’s no

better closure than not seeing his face or hearing his


Riley walked to where my broken phone laid. She picked

it up and handed it to me. “How is this closure?” she asked


My fingers brushed over the fractured screen, and my

skin caught on one of the cracks. A tiny prick: a sharp

sting, like a paper cut. Blood gathered around the littlest

cut. Bleeding.

I fisted my hand, hiding the wound. Oh, how ironic.

Riley grasped my wrist and slowly uncurled my fingers.

Her gentle touch skimmed over the cut. “This is not

closure, Lila.”

My heart stuttered, and I blinked back the tears. “I can’t

hate him. I tried, and I can’t. But I also don’t want to

forgive him. I can’t forgive him.”

Maddox’s betrayal cut deep, so deep… there was no way

for me to reach it and wrap a bandage on it. I couldn’t stop

the bleeding, couldn’t stop the wound festering into

something nastier, something more agonizing.

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