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He threw the rest of his cigarette on the ground,

squashing it with his leather boot. He kept his eyes on me,

his face devoid of any mischief. He looked… serious. What a

confusing man. I couldn’t tell which side of him was real

anymore. “I said I was sorry,” he rumbled, the expression

on his face genuine.

I narrowed my eyes on him. “Apologies don't count when

they’re not sincere.”

“You confuse me, woman. First, you want me to

apologize. Then when I do, you tell me not to. Pick one,


“When someone says he's sorry, he should mean it.

Apologies need to be sincere or else it's useless and,

frankly, a waste of time. Mean it or don't say it at all. I don't

accept half-assed apologies.”

Maddox brought a hand up, holding it over his chest.

“Jesus. You’re harsh, Sweet Cheeks.”

“Second, you've been annoying me non-stop, always

following me around, and you find every reason to irritate

me! Whether it's in class, at lunch or outside of school. You

do know that personal space exists, right?”

He looked thoughtful for a second, and I thought he

really was considering my words. But then he opened his

mouth, and I wanted to smack him. “Girls love it when I'm

in their personal space,” he admitted as if it was the most

obvious thing.

“Full of yourself and absolutely cocky. The list is growing

at an accelerating rate."

“So, you hate me because I give you attention?” Maddox

took a pack of gum out of his pocket, popped one in his

mouth before offering me one.

Against my better judgement, I took it. He was offering;

I needed something to keep me distracted. “I despise you

because I don't want the attention you give me.”

“Anything else?” The corner of his lips tilted up, a small

grin on his face. There was nothing taunting about it. In

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