Manual de Metodos para el Programa de Monitoreo Sinoptico

Manual de Metodos para el Programa de Monitoreo Sinoptico

Manual de Metodos para el Programa de Monitoreo Sinoptico


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Documento Técnico <strong>de</strong>l SAM No. 4<strong>Manual</strong> <strong>de</strong> Métodos <strong>para</strong> <strong>Monitoreo</strong> SinópticoFORMATO DE REGISTRO PARA ROVER DIVER DEL SAM (PARTE 2)IMPORTANTE: Registre las especies únicamente si esta seguro. Marque con √ al lado izquierdo <strong>de</strong> la columna (√ S F M A) Ycircule <strong>el</strong> código r<strong>el</strong>evante. Códigos <strong>de</strong> Abundancia: S =Sólo uno; F =Falto, 2-10; M =Muchos, 11-100; A = Abundante, >100Hamlet - Mero_ S F M A Barred Hypoplectrus pu<strong>el</strong>la_ S F M A Butter H. unicolor_ S F M A Black H. migricans_ S F M A Blue H. gemma_ S F M A Indigo H. indigoHogfish/Wrasse - Lábridos/Merlo_ S F M A Hogfish Lachnolaimus maximums_ S F M A Spanish Bodianus rufusJacks - Jur<strong>el</strong>es_ S F M A Bar Caranx rubber_ S F M A Horse-eye C. latusParrotfish - Pez Loro_ S F M A Blue Scarus coeruleus_ S F M A Greenblotch Sparisoma atomarium_ S F M A Midnight Scarus co<strong>el</strong>estinus_ S F M A Princess Sc. taeniopterus_ S F M A Queen Sc. vetula_ S F M A Rainbow Sc. guacamaia_ S F M A Redband Sp. aurofrenatum_ S F M A Redfin Sp. rubripinne_ S F M A Redtail Sp. chrysopterum_ S F M A Stoplight Sp. viri<strong>de</strong>_ S F M A Striped Sc. croicensisPuffers - Tamboriles_ S F M A Ballonfish Diodon holocan._ S F M A Porcupinefish D. hystrix_ S F M A Sharpnose Canthigaster rostrataRays - Rayas_ S F M A Southern Sting Dasyatis Americana_ S F M A Spotted Eagle Aetobatus narinari_ S F M A Y<strong>el</strong>low Sting Urolophus jamaicensisSeabass - Róbalo_ S F M A Creole Fish Paranthias furcifer_ S F M A Harlequin Bass Serranus tigrinus_ S F M A Tobaccofish Serranus tabacariusSnappers - Pargos_ S F M A Dog Lutjanus jocu_ S F M A Gray L. griseus_ S F M A Lane L. synagris_ S F M A Mahogany L. mahogoni_ S F M A Mutton L. analis_ S F M A Schoolmaster L. apodus_ S F M A Y<strong>el</strong>lowtail Ocyurus chrysurusMSMP_2CSquirr<strong>el</strong>fish_ S F M A Blackbar Soldier Myripristis jacobus._ S F M A Dusky Holocentrus vexillarius_ S F M A Longjaw H. marianus_ S F M A Longspine H. rufus_ S F M A Reef H. coruscum_ S F M A Squirr<strong>el</strong> H. adscensionisSurgeonfish - Pez Cirujano_ S F M A Navajón Azul Acanthurus coeruleus_ S F M A Doctorfish A. chirurgus_ S F M A Ocean A. bahianusTriggerfish - Pejepuerco_ S F M A Black Durgon M<strong>el</strong>ichthys niger_ S F M A Ocean Canthi<strong>de</strong>rmis sufflamen_ S F M A Queen Balistes vetulaWrasses - Lábridos_ S F M A Bluehead Thalassoma bifasciatum_ S F M A Clown Halichoeres maculpinna_ S F M A Creole Clepticus parrae_ S F M A Puddingwife H. radiatus_ S F M A Slippery Dick H. bivittatus_ S F M A Y<strong>el</strong>lowhead H. garnotiOtros_ S F M A Great Barracuda Sphyraena barracuda_ S F M A Chub, Ber/Y<strong>el</strong> Kyphosus sectatrix./incisor_ S F M A Glasseye Snap. Heteropriacanthus cruentatus_ S F M A Redspotted Hawkfish Amblycirrhitus pinos_ S F M A Y<strong>el</strong>lowhead Jawfish Opistognathus aurifrons_ S F M A Saucereye Porgy Calamus calamus_ S F M A Cero Scomberomorus regalis_ S F M A Y<strong>el</strong>lowfin Mojarra Gerres cinereus_ S F M A Sand Diver Synodus intermedius_ S F M A Sharksucker Echeneis naucrates_ S F M A Silversi<strong>de</strong>s_ S F M A Greater Soapfish Rypticus saponaceus_ S F M A Glassy Sweeper Pempheris schomburgki_ S F M A Tarpon Megalops atlanticus_ S F M A Sand Tilefish Malacanthus plumieri_ S F M A Trumpetfish Aulostomus maculatus44

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