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‘… Its waters have shaped the city with a to-ing and fro-ing that determines his life,<br />

and with their smell, which impregnates everything …’ (from Protocolli Veneziani I)<br />

Adam Fuss<br />

The Subjectification and Attempted Rebellion of Smell: A Meditation on the Senses<br />

Smell is a rather duplicitous subject which requires a great deal of consideration.<br />

At a chemosensory level, sensations supply a living organism with universal<br />

knowledge in a raw form. I am less interested in discussing sensations in their<br />

raw form. Not because purity is unimportant, but because it does not contain the<br />

romance of the human ego. Smell would not be duplicitous—or very interesting—<br />

if it remained an immaculate conception that one’s experiences did not corrupt.<br />

(…)<br />

Smell tried to rebel from me not too long ago. It was an ordinarily mundane<br />

day. I was adequately present. Smell appropriately aided my shoe from avoiding<br />

a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk. A woman with a particular perfume passed<br />

by. I was abruptly ripped from my current location into a sexual experience I<br />

had more than 20 years ago? When I say ripped, I was literally tasting the flesh<br />

of this individual in my mouth— feeling her sweat against me. Why that sexual<br />

memory? Why that smell? Should I look this person up? Is my fate punching me in the nose?<br />

Should I have followed the woman with the perfume? Should I have sex with her?<br />

Smell rebelled for one split second and I was deeply suffering. You might have<br />

had similar nostalgia being thrust upon you involuntarily.<br />

(…)<br />

In précis—I am everything that chemosensory interactions represent in their<br />

purity and “I” am everything that corrupts their virginity. Smell was non-sense<br />

until I came along and it will be non-sense again when I am gone.<br />

Herbert Brandl<br />

Green is the colour of nature: the green of endless meadows,<br />

the green of dense forest, the green of hidden underwater worlds.<br />

The scent of grass, pine, algae. Green smells supernatural.<br />

Albert Oehlen<br />

A scent of great importance for us appeared before me, perhaps it will come<br />

back. One has to be brave to knock on the door. Who says you will not be<br />

welcome with open arms? But nothing is confirmed. I want to insist, when an<br />

iron and coffee angel blocks my nose. I wake up. The lady sitting next to me on<br />

the park bench is still asleep.<br />

Antonio Saura<br />

Certainly, a springtime series, despite the obscure backgrounds. Delights or a<br />

perfumed garden, where the scent of Jasmine and roses mix with the Proustian<br />

aroma of printing ink.<br />


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