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blyttia - Universitetet i Oslo

blyttia - Universitetet i Oslo


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Blyttia 60(2),2002<br />



«Beretning om en botanisk Reise<br />

i Omegnen af Fæmunsøen»<br />

– gjenfangster og nye funn<br />

i den gamle mesters fotefâr<br />

Leif Galten<br />

Galten, L. 2002. «Beretning om en botanisk Reise i Omegnen af Fæmunsøen…» –<br />

gjenfangster og nye funn i den gamle mesters fotefâr. Blyttia 60: 81-95.<br />

«A Report of a botanical Journey at the Neighbourhood of lake Fæmunsøen»<br />

– rediscoveries and new plant discoveries in the footsteps of the old master.<br />

In 1865 the botanist H.L. Sørensen made a journey through Trysil, Engerdal and Røros municipalities. In this<br />

article the flora along Sørensen’s route through Engerdal municipality with a detour to mount Sølen in<br />

Rendalen municipality is described. Before the Second World War O. Nyhuus, H. Resvoll-Holmsen and G.<br />

Samuelsson obtained information about the flora in this region, too, while R.Elven, F. Wischmann and A. Often<br />

have made the important contributions to the area’s flora in the period since the Second World War. In 1998<br />

the data base «Hedmarks karplanter» (hereafter referred to as dH) was established and includes all current<br />

information regarding plant collections from Hedmark county found in the herbariums at the Universities of<br />

<strong>Oslo</strong> and Trondheim.<br />

Table 1 summarises all new plant discoveries from Engerdal municipality, in Sølendalen in Rendalen<br />

municipality and in the northern part of Trysil municipality that were not previously included in the database<br />

(dH).<br />

Table 2 presents a plant geographic characterization expressed by plant geografic elements. Only a<br />

selection of characteristic species mentioned in the text are taken into account. The eastern element is<br />

obviously present. The most interesting group is, however, the alpine plant group, showing surprisingly<br />

many species which occur at their southeastern limit in Scandinavia in this region. Northern boreal species<br />

that seldom exceed the timber-line represent a north boreal element. Five species that demand relative high<br />

humidity are gathered in a suboceanic element. These species find humid niches on hillsides and in mountain<br />

snow beds. The termophilous element consists of species that are hardly found above the mid-boreal zone.<br />

These species find their warm niches on southfacing rocks, arid meadows, mires and in watercourses.<br />

The alien species group contains all alien species mentioned in the text.<br />

Leif Galten, Frøsetåsen 3 B, N-7290 Støren.<br />

Den gamle mester ...<br />

«Sommeren 1865 erholdt jeg [….] et Reisestipendium<br />

i det Øiemed at undersøge Omegnen af Fæmunsøen<br />

og Trysilelvens Dalføre i botanisk Henseende.<br />

Aarsagen, hvorfor jeg valgte denne Egn<br />

til mine Undersøgelser, var ikke den, at jeg her<br />

haabede at høste noget rigt Udbytte, hvilket de<br />

bekjendte geologiske Forhold ikke tillode mig at<br />

haabe, men den Omstændighed, at dette var den<br />

eneste Egn i Christiania Stift, som ikke var bereist<br />

af norske Botanikere.»<br />

Dette skrev stud. real., senere konrektor ved<br />

Kristiania Kathedralskole, H.L. (Henrik Lauritz)<br />

Sørensen (1842-1903) i 1868 etter at han som<br />

første fagotaniker hadde trengt inn i de geologisk<br />

fattige sandsteinområdene ved Femunden. Botanikere<br />

hadde allerede i et halvt hundreår valfartet<br />

til de artsrike kalkområdene på Dovrefjell. Den<br />

unge student Sørensen måtte søke øst for fjellene<br />

for å finne jomfruelig mark for sine botaniske studier.<br />

… men ikke den eneste<br />

I begynnelsen av 1860-årene gjorde Olinus Nyhuus<br />

sine første botaniske iakttagelser rundt<br />

hjemgården i Trysil, et arbeid han skulle fortsette<br />

med i over 70 år. I 1936, i sitt 92. år, fikk han med<br />


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