Fantasporto 2023 | Festival Catalogue

This is the official catalogue of the 43nd Oporto International Film Festival. Considered one of the best 10 independent film festivals in the world by Tripper and one of the 3 biggest and most important Fantasy festivals in the World.

This is the official catalogue of the 43nd Oporto International Film Festival. Considered one of the best 10 independent film festivals in the world by Tripper and one of the 3 biggest and most important Fantasy festivals in the World.


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JOEL LAMANGAN, 112’ (2018)


PERCI INTALAN, 100’ (2018)

“Um respeitado senador deixa temporariamente a sua mulher de

seis décadas para tomar conta do seu melhor amigo que é gay e a

morrer de cancro. Apesar da benção da mulher, os seus 3 filhos

ficaram escandalizados. O homem desafia o seu protesto colectivo

e declara que ama o seu amigo, padrinho dos três no baptismo e do

seu casamento, do mesmo modo que ama a sua mulher.

O realizador Joel Lamangan e eu desenvolvemos o conceito para

este filme a caminho do Porto em Fevereiro de 2018. Estávamos

no mesmo voo com o actor Tony Mabesa e eu sugeri que se fizesse

um filme com ele como actor principal. Tony acabou por vencer

o Prémio de Melhor Actor no Festival de Houston.” - F.L.

“A revered former senator temporarily leaves his wife of six decades to

take care of his gay best friend, who is dying of cancer. Notwithstanding

their mother’s blessings, his three children are scandalized. The old man

defies their collective protest and declares that he loves his friend –

godfather to all three both in baptism and matrimony – the same way

that he loves his wife.

Director Joel Lamangan and I developed the concept for this film on our

way to Oporto in February 2018. We were on the same flight with actor

Tony Mabesa and I suggested we should make a film with him in the lead.

Tony passed away on October 4, 2019. Tony won a Best Actor award at

the Houston International Film Festival.” - F.L.


O multi-premiado realizador Joel C. Lamangan estudou Cinema

e Teatro em várias escolas nas Filipinas e no estrangeiro. Foi actor

e encenador no teatro e na televisão, tendo depois interpretado

vários papéis no cinema antes de se decidir pela realização, fazendo

o seu primeiro filme,” Darna”, em 1991. De entre os seus muito

e notáveis filmes estão “The Flor Contemplacion Story” (1995)

que ganhou o Golden Pyramid Award no Cairo e “Hustisya” que

foi exibido em Varsóvia e em Nantes.

Multi-awarded Filipino director Joel C. Lamangan studied film and

theater at schools in the Philippines and abroad. He acted and directed

for stage and television, then took screen roles, before opting for film

direction, making his debut in 1991 with “Darna”. Among his notable

films are “The Flor Contemplacion Story” (1995) which won the Golden

Pyramid award in Cairo and “Hustisya” was shown in and competed in

Warsaw and Nantes. “Rainbow Sunset” won the Special Jury Prize at

the Houston International Film Festival.

“Liza está imersa em dor pela perda do amor da sua vida quando

recebe a visita da pessoa menos provável, o marido que ela deixara

há 5 anos. Sem muitas perguntas, Anton convida-a a regressar a ele

e aos seus 3 filhos. Eu sou um orgulhoso membro da comunidade

LGBTQ e fiz vários filmes com personagens homosexuais mas

não com lésbicas. Agradeço a Perci Intalan que me incluiu em

“Distance” e me deu a oportunidade de fazer um filme com personagens

lésbicas.” - F.L.

“Liza is still drowning in grief from losing the love of her life when she

receives a visit from the most unlikely person - her husband, who she left

five years ago. With no questions asked and no conditions made, Anton

invites her back to his and their two children’s lives. I am a proud member

of the LGBTQ community and I have several films with gay characters

but not with lesbians. I am thankful that Perci Intalan included me

in Distance and gave me the opportunity to make a film with lesbian

characters.” - F.L.


Perci Intalan é um realizador, produtor e argumentista das Filipinas.

Trabalhou na Walt Disney Company, na GMA Network Inc. das

Filipinas e na TV5 (Associated Broadcasting Company) Philippines.

É o presidente da The IdeaFirst Company, uma companhia de

criação de conteúdos. A sua primeira longa-metragem, “Dementia”,

esteve em competição no Fantasporto 2014 e venceu prémio de

Melhor Filme Estrangeiro no St. Tropez International Film Festival.

“Distance” esteve também em competição no Tokyo International

Film Festival em 2018.

Perci Intalan is a Director/Producer/Writer from the Philippines.

He has worked at the Walt Disney Company, at GMA Network Inc.

Philippines and at TV5 (Associated Broadcasting Company) Philippines.

He is the President of The IdeaFirst Company, a content creation

company in the Philippines. His first feature film “Dementia” was

in competition at the 2014 Oporto International Film Festival and won

Best Foreign Language Film at the St. Tropez International Film

Festival. “Distance” competed at the 2018 Tokyo International

Film Festival.

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