glasilo st. 2.indd - Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve

glasilo st. 2.indd - Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve

glasilo st. 2.indd - Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve


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• Si vous avez les symptômes de la grippe prenez la di<strong>st</strong>ance<br />

d’un mètre envers les autres ;<br />

• Prenez toutes les mesures de précaution ci-dessus aussi<br />

lorsque vous voyagez. L’Organisation Mondiale de<br />

la Santé (OMS) ne recommande aucune re<strong>st</strong>riction de<br />

voyage. Nous conseillons aux voyageurs de respecter les<br />

in<strong>st</strong>ructions générales hygiéniques.<br />

• Après arriver chez vous de l’étranger observez votre santé<br />

pendant 7 jours et si vous voyez les signes d’une maladie<br />

qui ressemble la grippe, appelez immédiatement votre<br />

médecin;<br />

• En ce qui concerne le traitement de la maladie par un<br />

médicament anti-virus, consultez votre médecin. Prendre<br />

le médicament sans aucune indication n’e<strong>st</strong> pas raisonnable.<br />

Usage excessif du médicament peut causer la rési<strong>st</strong>ance<br />

du virus et réduire ainsi l’ efficacité du médicament.<br />

• La vaccination e<strong>st</strong> la mesure la plus efficace, mais la vaccine<br />

contre le virus de la nouvelle grippe n’e<strong>st</strong> pas encore<br />

disponible.<br />

Sources: In<strong>st</strong>itut de la Protection de la Santé de la République<br />

de Slovénie, Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS),<br />

Centre Européen de Prévention et de Contrôle des Maladies<br />

(ECDC)<br />

Željka Kovačević<br />




What can an individual do?<br />

By considering the good hygienic practice and basic preventive<br />

measures, every individual can considerably reduce<br />

the possibility of contamination and disease transmission.<br />

Preventive measures<br />

The transmission of infection can be prevented as follows:<br />

• Coughing hygiene: when you cough or sneeze cover<br />

your mouth by a handkerchief and throw it later away<br />

in the du<strong>st</strong>bin;<br />

• If you have no handkerchief, cough and sneeze in the<br />

upper part of your sleeve and not in your hand;<br />

• Do not touch your mouth, eyes and nose with your<br />

hands;<br />

• Wash your hands often with soap and warm water (always<br />

when the are visibly dirty, before eating, after using<br />

the toilet, after coming home, after using public<br />

means of transport (bus), after <strong>st</strong>aying in public places<br />

etc.. If it is not possible to wash your hands, disinfection<br />

is recommended;<br />

20<br />

• Disinfect your hands (a liquid disinfector or jelly is far<br />

more efficient than handkerchiefs soaked in a disinfector);<br />

• Avoid contacts with persons that might be ill;<br />

• Avoid <strong>st</strong>aying in overcrowded places;<br />

• If you do not fee well or show symptoms of influen<strong>za</strong>,<br />

do not go to work;<br />

• If you show symptoms of influen<strong>za</strong>, keep 1 metre di<strong>st</strong>ance<br />

from other people.<br />

• Apply all the above protection measures also when you<br />

travel. The World Health Organisation does not recommend<br />

any re<strong>st</strong>rictions as regards travelling. We sugge<strong>st</strong><br />

all passengers to observe general hygienic in<strong>st</strong>ructions.<br />

• After arriving home from abroad, examine your health<br />

for 7 days. If you have symptoms of a disease similar to<br />

swine influen<strong>za</strong> call your doctor immediately;<br />

• Consult your doctor about the treatment with anti-virus<br />

medication. It is pointless to take the medicine if there<br />

are no indications. Any excessive use of the medication<br />

may result in the resi<strong>st</strong>ance of the virus and therefore<br />

reduces the efficiency of the medication.<br />

• The mo<strong>st</strong> efficient measure is vaccination, but the anti<br />

swine influen<strong>za</strong> vaccine is not yet available.<br />

Source: National In<strong>st</strong>itute of Public Health of the Republic<br />

of Slovenia, World Health Organisation (WHO), European<br />

Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)<br />

<br />

<br />

Željka Kovačević

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