Rural Walks in Flintshire (pdf) - Flintshire County Council

Rural Walks in Flintshire (pdf) - Flintshire County Council

Rural Walks in Flintshire (pdf) - Flintshire County Council

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4HawardenHistoric village, woodlandand farmlandDistance: 8 km / 5 milesTime: 2 – 2.5 hrsPark<strong>in</strong>g: T<strong>in</strong>kersdale public car park, Hawarden(SJ316657)Grade: EasyTen M<strong>in</strong>ute Walk: A disused tarmac road with lushwoodland on both sidesFacilities: Pubs, café and shops <strong>in</strong> HawardenLivestock: Sheep and cattlePentref hanesyddol, coedlannau athir ffermPellter: 8 km / 5 milltirAmser: 2 – 2.5 awrParcio: Maes parcio cyhoeddus T<strong>in</strong>kersdale, Penarlâg(SJ316657)Graddfa: HawddTaith gerdded 10 munud: Hen ffordd darmac segur.Coedwigoedd o bobtuCyfleusterau: Tafarnau, caffi a siopau ym MhenarlâgDa byw: Defaid a gwarthegWaymark<strong>in</strong>g / Arwyddion:The Gladstone MonumentCofadail o Gladstone30www.borderlands.co.ukEveryth<strong>in</strong>g you need to visit Fl<strong>in</strong>tshireThe Walk1. From car park turn R uphill to reachfounta<strong>in</strong> and T junction. Turn R onto GlynneWay then first L <strong>in</strong>to Crosstree Lane (old lockupon corner). Descend hill pass<strong>in</strong>g school. Atjunction with Ash Lane turn L thro' gate <strong>in</strong>tochurchyard. Go R around church to exit onopposite side. To R is St De<strong>in</strong>iol's Library(Gladstone Exhibition and Coffee Shop opento public. Tel 01244 532350 for details).2. Walk along Church Lane to road. Turn L tocross busy road at pelican cross<strong>in</strong>g. Turn Ralong road, pass<strong>in</strong>g St Deniol's on RHS. Takesecond L down Station Road. When road forks<strong>in</strong>to Woodlands Court and The Wigdalecont<strong>in</strong>ue ahead along tarmac footpath.Cont<strong>in</strong>ue ahead, then R to pass under railwayl<strong>in</strong>e, then immediately L.3. Cont<strong>in</strong>ue ahead cross<strong>in</strong>g track to cross stileby gate then cont<strong>in</strong>ue ahead between golfclub greens. Cont<strong>in</strong>ue along grass track as itbears sharp L towards farm. At gate, cross stileand cont<strong>in</strong>ue ahead, pass<strong>in</strong>g pond at OaksFarm. After 25m turn R by derelict barnthrough open entrance then immediately Lfollow<strong>in</strong>g LH field boundary up slope through2 fields to cross stile. Go ahead for 75m thendiagonally R to field boundary. Just beforehouse turn L over stile. Then turn L and <strong>in</strong>20m go thro' gate onto Ledsham Lane.Cont<strong>in</strong>ue for 400m.4. At T-junction turn L <strong>in</strong>to Slack Road. Crossrailway bridge then turn immediately R tocross stile then a second. Turn L and over nextstile. Follow LH field boundary and cross stileby Thatch Cottages. Turn R, cross busy roadthen stile just before red corrugated barn.Follow path past barn then turn R over stile bygate then L up between 2 hedges. Cross stilenext to open entrance then follow RH fieldboundary. Cross stile onto lane and cont<strong>in</strong>ueahead, down lane marked “No through road”.5. At end of road turn L through staggeredentrance by gate to cont<strong>in</strong>ue along tarmacpath. Pass bridge over A55 on RHS andcont<strong>in</strong>ue ahead thro' staggered entrance bygate. Cont<strong>in</strong>ue down road pass<strong>in</strong>g Sp<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gWheel Inn. Take next L onto lane markedCherry Orchard Farm.

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