Rural Walks in Flintshire (pdf) - Flintshire County Council

Rural Walks in Flintshire (pdf) - Flintshire County Council

Rural Walks in Flintshire (pdf) - Flintshire County Council

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23Moel Arthur– PenycloddiauHeather, hillforts and superb viewsDistance: 11 km / 6.8 milesTime: 4.5 – 5 hrsPark<strong>in</strong>g: Small car parks at Moel Arthur (SJ147657)and Langwyfan (SJ139668)Grade: Strenuous (ascents and descents), many stilesTen M<strong>in</strong>ute Walk: A section of easy walk<strong>in</strong>g throughwoodland with views over Vale of Clwyd. NB A populardog walk.Facilities: NoneLivestock: Lots of sheep and cattleGrug, bryngeyrydd a golygfeydd gwychPellter: 11 km / 6.8 milltirAmser: 4.5 – 5 awrParcio: Meysydd parcio bach Moel Arthur (SJ147657)neu Langwyfan (SJ139668)Graddfa: Egniol (i fyny ac i lawr), nifer fawr o gamfeyddTaith gerdded 10 munud: Llwybr hawdd drwy’r coed agolygfeydd dros Ddyffryn Clwyd. D.S. Llwybr poblogaiddi fynd â chŵn amdroCyfleusterau: DimDa byw: Llawer o ddefaid a gwarthegWaymark<strong>in</strong>g / Arwyddion:Part / Mewn rhannau66www.borderlands.co.ukArts and enterta<strong>in</strong>ment <strong>in</strong> Fl<strong>in</strong>tshireThe Walk1. From Moel Arthur car park (with cattle gridon R) turn L along lane for 275m. Near start ofsmall wood on R, turn L through gate and headup track. After 200m cross stile/gate marked“Penbedw”. After short climb track levels thendescends. Cont<strong>in</strong>ue for about 1km to gate/stile.Go diagonally L across field towards LH edge ofp<strong>in</strong>e plantation. Cont<strong>in</strong>ue along plantationedge to gate. Cont<strong>in</strong>ue on track towardsanother gate beside derelict cottage.2. Turn L before gate and go up slope for50m then turn diagonally L across large field,head<strong>in</strong>g to gate <strong>in</strong> far LH corner. Thro' gate &follow RH fencel<strong>in</strong>e to cross another stile by 2gates. Walk ahead across next field to crossanother gate/stile. Follow RH field boundarythen turn R at marker post cross<strong>in</strong>g stile &head<strong>in</strong>g down steep slope. Go thro' gatebetween build<strong>in</strong>gs, cross stile and turn R downdrive. Go thro' gate and cont<strong>in</strong>ue to road.3. Cross road and go thro' gate by f<strong>in</strong>ger post<strong>in</strong>to field opposite. Cont<strong>in</strong>ue along LHS of fieldcross<strong>in</strong>g small stream to visible stile. Cross stileand 2nd stream. Walk up slope to stile, <strong>in</strong>itiallyhidden from view. Cross stile & cont<strong>in</strong>ue uphillfor 20m then go thro' gate on L (ignore nearbystile). Turn R and follow RH fence uphill to stile.Cross stile & cont<strong>in</strong>ue along RH fence, ignor<strong>in</strong>ggate on R before house. Cross stile at far endof field and cont<strong>in</strong>ue ahead, past stile, downsunken lane to disused wooden shack. Goaround back of shack to cross stile then downsteep slope to stream. Cross footbridge andstile at end then follow RH fence to stile & gate(fence no longer exists here). Cont<strong>in</strong>ue aheadup slope, cross<strong>in</strong>g grassy path with gate on L.Cont<strong>in</strong>ue over stile ahead. Walk up slope,keep<strong>in</strong>g to LH fencel<strong>in</strong>e, pass<strong>in</strong>g gate on LHS.Cont<strong>in</strong>ue along fencel<strong>in</strong>e head<strong>in</strong>g towards stilewith large yellow disc, below stone ru<strong>in</strong>.4. Cross stile and follow path with old stonewall on R (can be muddy). Pass ru<strong>in</strong> on RHSand cont<strong>in</strong>ue along path keep<strong>in</strong>g old wall onRHS. Cross stile and cont<strong>in</strong>ue ahead, stillfollow<strong>in</strong>g wall. After next gate/ stile followobvious track diagonally R towards TV mast.Go thro' further gate and follow RH fieldboundary to gate onto track. Turn L alongtrack. Pass farm on R.

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