CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES - Omega Research Foundation

CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES - Omega Research Foundation

CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES - Omega Research Foundation


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tactics weapons and options legal at the discretion of senior police officer, acting at the bequest of a fellow European colleague wishing to dissuade<br />

European nationals travelling outside their country of residence.<br />

269. See for example, Hersh, S.M. (1969) Your friendly neighbourhood MACE. New York Review of Books. 27 th March. pp 41-44. Page, J.A.<br />

(1969) Mace for the masses, Commonweal. 90(5). 141-3. 18 th April. Public Sale of protective Chemical Sprays, Hearings before the consumer<br />

subcommittee of the US Senate committee on Commerce,21 May 1969.<br />

270. Amnesty International, International Secretariat (2000) USA - Ruling limiting Police use of Pepper Spray * A Positive step. AI Index AMR<br />

51/72/2000. News Service 92. 17 th May.<br />

271. Amnesty International Press release (1997) AI-USA:Police Use of pepper Spray Is Tantamount To Torture. Nov 7 th .<br />

272. Amnesty International News Service (2000).Austria - Incidents of police brutality continue. )Supported by eyewitness reports and medical<br />

evidence, detainees have reported being repeatedly kicked, punched, kneed, beaten with truncheons and sprayed with pepper after restraint. The<br />

victims are mostly non-white foreign or Austrian nationals and in many cases police are alleged to have used racist language.( AI Index: EUR<br />

13/07/00. 24 th March.<br />

273. US GAC, (1989) Israel: Use of US Manufactured Tear Gas in the Occupied Territories. Report to the Honourable Ronald V. dellums. House<br />

of representatives. April.<br />

274. A point recognised by NATO spokesman General Guiseppe Marani who announced reports of Yugoslav forces in Kosovo using<br />

tear gas to drive civilians from their homes in Pristina. He stated: "Tear gas shouldn't be used in combat. It can be used for police<br />

work. You can use it to pull someone out of a house and arrest him. It shouldn't be used to pull someone out of a house and shoot<br />

him." Reuters 20 th Apr 1999, NATO says it hit Serb `Frog' surface missile site.<br />

275. Examples of baton abuse are reported in virtually every country worldwide. Most of this abuse is unsystematic, but in some cases more systematic abuse has<br />

been reported, "among the more primitive weapons deployed are hard fibre glass batons and iron batons covered with plastic; these have replaced the wooden<br />

stick. They have been used to smash demonstrators cheekbones, forcing their eyes from their sockets. Dr John Hiddlestone, a UN health official, says he has seen<br />

so many of these wounds inflicted with 'such a degree of accuracy' that h believes troops must have had training for this particular blow." South (1988) The<br />

science of suppression. November.<br />


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