CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES - Omega Research Foundation

CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES - Omega Research Foundation

CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES - Omega Research Foundation


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weeks at a time. Jackson County Jail administrator John Sullivan said he was investigating the complaints, but insisted there was no pattern of<br />

racism or abuse in the 300-bed jail, which has housed thousands of INS detainees since 1992. Reuters 7/31/98; Boston Globe 8/2/98<br />

305. For example, that of Scott Norberg, an inmate at Madison Street Jail in Arizona, USA who reportedly died in prison on 1 June 1996 as a result<br />

of asphyxia, when detention officers who had intervened because of his alleged disruptive behaviour tried to overcome his resistance. The autopsy<br />

report was said to indicate that he had numerous contusions and lacerations to his head, face, neck and limbs as well as burn marks resulting from<br />

the use of a stun gun on various parts of his body. FromQuestion of the Human Rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention or<br />

imprisonment, in particular: torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Nigel<br />

S. Rodley, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1997/38. Addendum. 24 December 1997. E/CN.4/1998/38/Add.1<br />

306. Amnesty International (1997) Arming the Torturers - Electro-shock torture and the spread of Stun Technology. ACT 40/01/97. March.<br />

307. Frechette,A., Rimsza, M.E. (1992) Stun Gun Injury: A new presentation of the Battered Child Syndrome. Pediatrics. May. Vol 89. No 5. p898-<br />

901. Which identified how medical and social workers were under-recognising the effects of child abuse using stun guns. The authors highlighted<br />

that )the signs of such abuse are often subtle, and that they may currently be under-recognized. The skin lesions that are often seen are<br />

hypopigmented circular macules, measuring approx 0.5cm in diameter. They may be raised slightly and erythematous if inflicted recently. Most<br />

characteristic of stun gun assault is pairing of lesions approx 5cm apart). The authors were of the opinion that )...Unfortunately, as well suited as<br />

they may be for self-protection, they are also very well suited for a form of assault on children which may be difficult to detect. Abusers have ready<br />

access to these devices and, because they are extolled as safe, may appear to provide an attractive method of gaining control over children or<br />

inflicting severe punishment. There have been some highly publicised cases involving interrogation and torture of adults with stun guns, but we can<br />

find no reports of stun gun abuse in children. Given the subtlety of physical findings resulting from a stun gun assault, these cases may be underrecognized<br />

currently.( and the authors concluded that: )It is our hope that a better understanding of stun guns and the patterns of injury they may<br />

produce will result in an increased awareness of this type of abuse(.<br />

308. For an extended discussion of the background see for example Toffler A., & Toffler H., (1994) War and Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of<br />

the 21 st . Century, Little Brown & Co., London.<br />

309.Morris J., And Morris C., (1990) Non-Lethality: A global strategy, Morris & Morris, West Hyannisport, MA.<br />

310.Ibid.<br />

311.Alexander J.B., Groller, R., & Morris, J., (1990), The Warriors Edge, USA.<br />


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