October 2006 Volume 9 Number 4

October 2006 Volume 9 Number 4

October 2006 Volume 9 Number 4


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In a first part, we present the instantiation of the standard RM-ODP on the reengineering process of a TEL<br />

system. Then, we provide two use cases of the model we have proposed. The first one highlights a reverse<br />

engineering task where both an instructional designer and a software engineer are involved. The second one<br />

shows how, during the reengineering of a TEL system, the communication between an instructional designer and<br />

an analyst specialized in the interpretation of users logs could be supported.<br />

A General Framework for the Reengineering of a TEL System<br />

Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing Presentation<br />

RM-ODP is defined by its authors as a generic framework aimed to support the modeling process of a complex<br />

and distributed system. For this purpose, it stresses the need for the designers to refine within their own domain,<br />

a set of generic concepts, such as object composition/decomposition, object state and behavior, viewpoints…<br />

These concepts are declined following three modeling phases introduced by the model:<br />

the system specification, where designers classify and make up the different objects of the system;<br />

the system modeling which defines, for different levels of abstraction, the models of interaction between<br />

objects;<br />

the system structuring, where the different structures which should be implemented in the system are<br />

defined.<br />

The aim assumed by RM-ODP is to help a community of designers to adopt a consensus (e.g. a standard)<br />

regarding the designing process of their system. With this in mind, RM-ODP is structured into three<br />

complementary documents. The first one, the “Overview” (ISO/IEC 10746-1, 1998) defines the model’s<br />

application spectrum. The second one, “Foundations” (ISO/IEC 10746-2, 1996), defines the set of generic<br />

concepts related to the specification, modeling and structuring phases. The last one, “Architecture” (ISO/IEC<br />

10746-3, 1996) is dedicated to the definition of five viewpoints on the design of a system architecture, as well as<br />

the definition of the different languages associated with these viewpoints. These are:<br />

The enterprise viewpoint: A viewpoint on the system and its environment that focuses on the purpose, scope<br />

and policies for the system, represented with concepts such as community, actor, role, activity and tool.<br />

The information viewpoint: A viewpoint on the system and its environment that focuses on the semantics of<br />

the information and information processing performed.<br />

The computational viewpoint, which is concerned with the functional decomposition of the system into a set<br />

of objects that interact at interfaces – enabling system distribution.<br />

The engineering viewpoint: A viewpoint on the system and its environment that focuses on the mechanisms<br />

and functions required to support distributed interaction between objects in the system.<br />

The technology viewpoint: A viewpoint on the system and its environment that focuses on the choice of<br />

technology in that system.<br />

Specifying an architecture in the RM-ODP framework allows designers to focus their attention with these five<br />

viewpoints (see Figure 1). They are the main proposals of RM-ODP which allow the mastering of a complex<br />

system specification..<br />

Metamodel : Foundation<br />

information viewpoint<br />

Enterprise viewpoint<br />

engineering viewpoint<br />

technology viewpoint<br />

computational viewpoint<br />

Figure 1. The five viewpoints of RM-ODP<br />

Specification and<br />

Modeling acts<br />

Structuring acts<br />


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