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Figure 8-5:<br />

Neon tetras<br />

can be fed<br />

flake food,<br />

tubifex<br />

worms, and<br />

brine<br />

shrimp.<br />

Chapter 8: Finding Your Species<br />

Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)<br />

The South American neon tetra (Figure 8-5) is one of the most popular and<br />

recognizable fish in an aquarium. This peaceful little fish has a blue-green<br />

stripe that glitters down the side of its body, and a beautiful red half-stripe<br />

below that. The neon is omnivorous, swims at mid level in the tank, needs to<br />

be kept in schools (at least six to eight minimum), and is quite difficult to<br />

breed in captivity. Males are thinner than the females of the species.<br />

Neons will grow up to an inch and a half in captivity and can live as long as<br />

ten years. Keep this fish in water with a temperature between 70–78 degrees<br />

F and a well-planted tank. This species does not do well under bright lighting,<br />

so make sure to subdue the atmosphere as much as possible.<br />

Unfortunately this fish will be eaten by larger species, so keep it with fish that<br />

are peaceful and similar in size such as the cardinal tetra, small community<br />

fish, and the glowlight tetra.<br />

Serpae tetra (Hyphessobrycon serpae)<br />

This fish takes it name from its beautiful color resemblance to a Mexican<br />

serape (large shawl). The peaceful serpae is a mid-level swimmer and is omnivorous.<br />

It is one of the larger tetra species and can be slightly aggressive with<br />

smaller fish. It should be kept in a school of six or more of its own species.<br />

Keep their water temperature between 78–80 degrees, as they tend to chill<br />

easily. Good tankmates include mollies, swordtails, plecos, and corys. This<br />

fish is known to live on average of 5–6 years.<br />

Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)<br />

The cardinal tetra is similar in appearance to the neon tetra, except that it<br />

has a larger area of red coloring on its abdomen. The peaceful cardinal<br />

prefers soft, acidic waters (below 6.8 pH) and is omnivorous. This fish swims<br />

in all levels of the tank, should be kept in schools (at least six to eight), and<br />

should never be housed with any larger, aggressive tankmates.<br />


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